Selecting a Smartphone...


The golden rule of selecting a good PHONE is -
Use your brain not heart

For example, If you are a student, and your parents who are not very handy with tech want to buy you an expensive phone just because they want to do something for you or may be just because they can afford.

Now this is called an emotional approach.

Practical approach would to know why do you need that particular PHONE and what are your needs.

The boxes I would like to tick before buying a phone-

Right now I would prefer a phone under 30,000 Indian rupees (around 360 USD)
Setting the budget is important to avoid confusion. If I don't set an upper limit I would be confused with the features as the market has unlimited to offer.


Despite having visual benefits like reducing glare etc. in curved display, I would go for a flat one. I've used flat ones and I am quite satisfied with them. Durability wins for me as phones have a very little contribution in my screen time.
Already large phones are too big for my hands so I don't wanna risk dropping them.

Once someone told me that - "If you want good pictures, buy a camera not phone", he further explained by saying that, in India people buy cars seeing their big trunk and compromise with the engine.

This statement seemed logical at that time.
But, now I think phones these days can serve the dual purpose of being an above average camera if not a great one so why not use them.

I definitely want a Snapdragon processor as my previous experience with Mediatek and Exynos in the same range has been quite average. (I've not tried others)
Storage warning pop-ups are the worst, you need to keep deleting files to make space for new ones. I definitely want my phone to store a decent amount of data.

Not less than 8 GB RAM and 256 GB storage.

I have used OPPO A71 with a battery of 3000mAh capacity, and it was not worth it.

So this time I'll go for atleast a 5000 mAh battery.


Now, the phone which fits the criteria is..
Vivo T3 PRO

However, it is available in curved display. I'll let go of the 1st criteria as the other check-boxes are ticked.

I'll buy this one : )

Reading reviews before buying is important .


Both images i.e. of cat and the dummy phone are mine.

AI and plagiarism free content.

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