How i Signed Up on Hive

Hello to all hive users πŸ™β€οΈπŸ˜Š
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your lifeπŸ™‚

I joined hive in the last days of December 2022. I had no idea about this platform that something like this even exists. My childhood friend @bhattg told me about Hive. Whatever I have explored this platform, I have done it with the help of Bhatt ji. When he first told me about it, I thought that this is a very interesting thing because I had heard for the first time that you get money for writing blogs because apart from this, if you do blogging anywhere else, then ads come there based on the traffic in your blog and you get money only for the ads. But here was a new concept, so I found it a bit interesting and I took the help of my friend to join it. My friend told me a little about it and then told me to make a good introduction post of my own and tomorrow we will do the first post. I went home that evening and I quickly created an introduction post in MS Word and then the next day I uploaded some images there too and then after that my friend told me about tags then he did some editing in my post and after that he posted the introduction post through ecency app.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Then when I woke up the next morning, there were more than 100 notifications. First of all I was shocked because I had never seen so many notifications in any app. At that time I did not have much idea about this application but still I started looking at the notifications and I saw that many people had upvoted it and many people had also commented on it, so first of all I looked at the comments and started replying to those comments.

After this, the biggest problem I faced was that on which topic should I make a post because first of all I thought that it is very difficult to choose a topic on which a unique post can be made. Then I did a lot of research on the internet for this and then I thought a little bit on my mind, then some tech-related things came to my mind and in the beginning I made some posts related to those topics because I am very interested in tech, so I thought that it would be right to make posts on these things only.

Then gradually, I started to know about other things like discounts etc. and after that, I got exposure to many communities and then I started to know about new things and then slowly I started getting ideas about new topics as well.

Thanks for reading till the end πŸ™
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