Reddit POSH is functional and rewarding

Thanks to @hivecreators for the logo above.

Hey everyone, just a quick post letting people, old and new, know about sharing Hive links on Reddit and potentially getting some rewards out of it. We (and by that I mean mostly myself) have found the time to look into these shares again and reward them with some upvotes.

Here's a little how to:

You go to, login with keychain and now you're registered!

After that, all you need to do is share Hive links on different subreddits. The bot we have in place which still works with Reddit's API (but unfortunately not Twitter's any longer) will then place a comment on the post you shared and who shared it. (note that if the person sharing isn't registered on the website, it'll just leave the sharer username blank)

Then we check the comments placed by @redditposh now and then and give them a few votes if we notice people made an effort to share hive posts and if the shares have done well (gotten upvotes and views on Reddit) we may give them bigger votes as it brings value to our blockchain to get outside traffic onto here.

This project is fully feeless, the comment upvotes go to an account of ours (@nomnomnomnom) which liquidates the rewards for 0% fee, sends them back to @redditposh and then those are distributed to the people who shared the post on reddit based on how their shares did (if there's more than 1 person sharing the same post).

Keep in mind though, that self-voting these comments won't get you the rewards of your upvote, those will instead go to as you can see by certain transactions of @redditposh.


So go out there and share if you have a reddit account, or create one real quick.

In the past we've discouraged sharing within subreddits that are hive-centric but we've opened up a little there to allow people to share in subreddits such as the official @splinterlands one for instance. Meaning if you post or people you follow like to post about SPL, you can share their post on the subreddit (or other gaming subreddits) and potentially earn some hive and POSH from @redditposh.

If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask in the comment section! I know it may sound quite complex but we try to make it as easy as possible for the end-users to share and get rewarded for it!

Keep in mind not to try and abuse this project by voting the comments with alts, etc, as that may lead to a ban so you can't earn hive or posh any longer once we notice it. Also try not to spam it as Reddit may not like that!

Thanks for reading, sharing is caring!

Special thanks to @rishi556 and @hivetrending for building and maintaining @redditposh and other POSH initiatives.

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