29 September 2023 - CogSect Diary Post

29th September 2023

Spartacus released his latest Spartacast on the 25th September 2023 - another stellar soliloquy from the heart. This one on 'War and Conscientious Objection.' And yesterday he guested on Dr Kevin McCairn's Jihad Science Show, titled Spartacus: Conscientious Objection In The Digital Panopticon to discuss the same topic and explore several Covid-19, biopharmaceutical mafia related topics as well.

I was chuffed to be addressed as his buddy, and the pleasure in making this "Man amongst Mice" struggle for concise words, stumble over suitable metaphors and be forced to reach into his deepest recesses of neuro-cognitive capability. To be fair, it is a most abstract, emergent, abstruse discussion topic.

As it's an immaterial topic to many, it's an absurd reality to us few mice amongst men.

#CogWar #CogSci #CogSec #Mis-Dis-Mal

Hearing Spartacus' dulcet & scholastically accomplished speaking voice fold into itself ever so slightly was a moment of wonder for me. "I did that," pointed out the proud, petulant psychopoet. "Or rather, I instigated a bit of that," mused my moderating, masculine and mentalismanic monologue.

It was a sign for sure. So I fired off a DM to my modern day role model, linking together found examples and my recent podcast appearance on Dystopian Deep Dives #Ep 039, and laid out my conceptual pitch.

Resurrection of Internet Lore Entities & Vehicles

Academy Awareness, Exposing Exploitation, Unknown and Cognitive Security Educational Courses.

Later on..

..shitposting on /pol/ had a wonderfully promising human-like interaction feel to it. I particularly noticed and then because enamoured by a vodka-tipsy freeflowing verbose Burger-Anon who effortlessly was able to engage with other anons in what was a totally alien discourse. Humanon to Humanon. And I presume his magical tactic centred on addressing each anon as versions or aspects of his own self, just from a different nationality. "Irish-me Anon," or "Canada/Leaf-me Anon" and so forth. Addressing each anon by their flag yet as a version, flavour, aspect of himself represented through a differing national parallel.

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