Being a student of AI


Person and A.I. bot waving at each other through a screen/window. Made by me in Paint

There is so much talk about A.I. it is easy to get lost in the tidal wave of information about the subject. It's similar to the rush towards Blockchain and cryptocurrencies everybody experienced a little while back.

Thankfully though, there with are websites that display all the different A.I.s and what their purpose is! The one I frequently use is :


It gives a clear list of tools, date it was added to the site, and links to every site. Everybody is learning generative A.I models but there are some nifty assistant tools that could fast track the process of reading documents and getting a clear layout of what is inside.

I first checked out Explainpaper, which does exactly what its name implies!



I wrote up a document and uploaded it:



I put down some info about A.I. and created a phony product called the 'Sink Aperture'

After highlighting the text I wanted explained (The whole thing) I was able to choose what level I wanted the explanation to be! I was given 6 options: 5 Year Old, Middle Schooler, High Schooler, Under Graduate, Graduate, and Expert.



I chose Under Grad and this is how it explained my document:


The last part sounds like it got confused.

Well it was an okay explanation but I partly blame myself because I quickly wrote up this document and just threw everything together. Still though it was a good enough try! I am sure if I wrote something serious and with more clear intent it would've had no trouble completing its task!

Next up I tried Legalesedecoded which reads any contract/agreement input and simplifies it immensely! Again, I wrote up a base description of the details concerning an already signed contract and posted it.




Accidentally misspelled a word but the decoder seemed to recognize what I meant

I clicked 'decode' a couple of times and got slight variations in the decoder:


Fixed the spelling error!


I don't know if having an A.I. simplify a binding contract/agreement will be legal in a few months but it was an interesting to try out!

There aren't really 'Generative A.I.' options though are they? It's difficult to tell with everybody calling their work 'A.I.' now!

The last website I visited, 'Piggy Magic', generated mobile sized presentations and requires an actual prompt to get started so I wrote down 'Create a presentation about a product called "The Sink Aperture' Marketed to people that want to conserve water"



After a few seconds it came up with several pages with information and A.I. generated images that looked like this:



It did a great job for something that generated in only 10-20 seconds!

A.I. is constantly evolving and news about it is changing everyday! It's happening so fast it feels like knowledge learned last week is not even valid by next week! So even if it isn't 'LLM' or a 'Generative A.I. Model' any info learned about where 'A.I.' will be used is still important.

That'll finish up my post. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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