Voting Service in rebuild | Voting Service closed for a few hours


I just like to give a small statement about the (very successful and highly used) CryptoCompany Voting Service. I have to pause the service for a few hours to adapt the mechanism behind, to provide a more fair experience, provide votes evenly to all users, and especially the supporters of CryptoCompany, and to avoid to much pausing because of "low mana".

As you maybe saw, the Voting Service was on recharge during the weekend. After I opened the service once again a wave of new votes came in. Not only because of the growing amount of users, but partially because some users ordered several votes in one usage - and I don't talk about two or three.

For me it is important that every user - and especially the supporters of CryptoCompany - can obtain his/her votes from the voter, not only the fastest users. Long story short: I have to implement a further mechanism to provide the votes in a more fair amount.

I assume this will be done during the day. As soon as the voter is online again, I will give you a quick status here and in our Discord.

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day!
Thank you for being here. YOU. ARE. AWESOME!
See you later in the comments!
Make the best out of the your day!

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