The Secret Life of MAX


This little dude is my buddy, my sidekick, my shadow, my hot water bottle!

I’ve had dogs for 20 years but this little guy, Max has wiggled his way deeper into my heart than any of the others.


They say that Chihuahuas choose their person and I would have thought that tiny 2kg Minki would have been “my” dog, but she definitely choose my son, Seth, as her person.


I also thought Max was the slightly bigger 3kg stronger boy of the siblings. But it’s been 10 months with these sweeties and Max is the gentle, insecure, more nervous one of the two. But he’s also the most affectionate, loyal and he chose ME! I am so blessed by him.


They both are spoilt rotten and sleep in our bed every night. The funniest thing is when it’s bed time, Mac will start following me and waiting for me to go to bed so that he can get into bed too. And the moment I’m tucked in he’s under the covers rolled up in a little ball keeping warm and cozy. And if I decided to move him he does a kind of fake growl and gently bite that would never hurt me. But he makes sure to let us know that he’s not happy about it at all!


With all his little quirks and curiosities I love Max to bits. Who wouldn’t love that face and those huge ears!


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