
Hi my lovelies!

Have I ever told you that I was a dog lover ever since I was a kid? I know many of you here are dog lovers too. I loved them so much that the idea of having a cat never crossed my mind. Not that I hate cats or anything, but I am just not used to taking care of cats now that I know so much about dogs.

Yes you are right, if you can read my mind, this article is not about dogs. It is about Amber.


This is Amber, my first ever cat. Boop that nose!

My Dad mentioned about having a cat to get rid of bugs or pests around the house. You know, they have the speed, the claws and they are feisty.

I got anxious by the idea because we already have 3 dogs and the idea of having a chaotic home because of animal fights is not my cup of tea. I want peace and harmony and knowing that a cat, or another species will be added, I just couldn’t bear the chaos it may bring.


Small. Just look at her.

We adopted her from our Auntie and spayed her right away. She is a 3 year old Munchkin cat with a tortoiseshell pattern. She has tiny, tiny legs and a very bold, sassy personality.


Can you see her attitude? She gives a mean side eye!

Our Aunt has many cats already and one way to help her is to adopt one. So she chose Amber to give. Oh and my Dad changed his mind at the last minute thinking we can’t have a cat because surely you have to maintain their litter and surroundings. It’s too late. She is ours now and we have lots of love to give.


It’s a blurry pic but I love this one. My Dad and Amber have the same eyes now.

It took her a while before she adjusted to her new home and to new people. Yes I received a lot of scratches and wounds from her claws. Things I never experienced before being the owner of 3 beautiful dogs.

Just like Amber, it took me a while as well to adjust. I have to do research about cats, their food, behavior, temperament and cleaning hacks and solutions. I know some of what I mentioned is basic to cat owners but as a new cat mom, I was haunted. She peed everywhere, got lost in the dark, hid anywhere, bit and scratched us. I also had to try everything to get rid of the smell. I asked my friends, been on every search engine and rely on different apps for videos. I am sensitive to smell and just can’t sleep thinking about the next step to freshen up the air.

That one tip my friend told me that can get rid of the smell is TIME. It did.


Now she knows when I am about to open the door. This is her so focused on the door knob.

Just look at those big eyes!

She roams around the neighborhood. She knows how to come back home. One thing that I was so afraid of before, that she might get lost and I won’t know what to say to her previous owner , my Auntie.

Well I know you know how Aunties can be. Just like cats they can be feisty!

Thankfully she is a very smart cat. She responds to my calls and she meows at the door when she wants to get outside and do her business. She has different meows when she cannot find me, another meow when she is telling me her water bowl is empty, and another when she wants pets.

She also knows when I am about to study.


I can’t even flip my notes! Look how comfortable she is in my arms.

I would never forget the first night she slept beside me. I thought I would never be as close to a cat than my dogs.


This is her when I scolded her one time when she brought me a dead mouse.

Yes it was big. She waited for me to wake up and my family said that she would never drop the mouse from her mouth, until I woke up.

I know, she was ever so proud. It’s an offering, a royal gift for me, a token of her undying and relentless loyalty.

Yes of course I thanked her and I half appreciated it.


Another side eye! We can never have enough. Please tell me you noticed her cropped top, pink with mushrooms.

Oh and did I tell you she loved belly rubs? I was surprised. It is because in my short term research, I concluded that cats don’t like their bellies to be touched, a disrespect perhaps.

Amber disagreed and judged me for late belly rubs.


Just look at those short paws!


That nose of life.

So, there’s that. I became a cat mom out of nowhere. I am glad I did. Amber is the sweetest and I am thrilled that I now know her behavior and a lot more about cats. I became open and flexible about owning a pet other than dogs.

I am ever proud of pet lovers, taking care of fur babies is not a piece of cake as well. We can always differentiate a pet owner and a pet lover. Having them is always worth our time and our life.

Thank you all for reading!

Sending all my love and Amber’s ,


Note: All photos above are mine unless stated otherwise.

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