There's a new boss in town.

And she's female, how could it be otherwise? Like me, you can see the unconditional claim to power in her eyes? You can see that, can't you?

It has been announced, this change of power.
On the one hand, it is Flecki's first maternity where she has not dragged the kittens through the night every three days. Normally, a dog sniffing at the front door is a compelling reason for a change of residence. This time she keeps watch 24 hours a day and beats up the dogs that even dare to enter the backyard. We have always told her this, but our advice carries no weight with her. So that can't be it.
It must have been someone else.


At times, she stays in the crate for a surprisingly long time.
And there's real action in the box, not just when the food is being served. The four big kittens have been active for days, the new boss is always the loudest, and the little ones feel annoyed because they've only had their eyes open for two days, can barely crawl and it's hard enough for them to defend their place at the source anyway.

I have marked the little ones with a red dot, just in the picture.

This is also a new behavior for them. She used to think motherhood was a cleaning and drinks service with the occasional smalltalk.
Someone must have put their foot down.
And anyone who has read the last post will know how she gets her way.


There was a lot of noise again last night. The big ones tried to scratch a hole in the cardboard with their claws and the little ones squealed the whole time. At some point Flecki couldn't stand it any longer, grabbed one of the little ones and came around the house to open the fly door with the little one. She managed it, put the kitten under the stairs and disappeared again to get the next one. Luckily I heard the squeaking and found the little one. With her in one hand and a light in the other, I followed Flecki around the house where she had the other one in her mouth. She saw me, dropped it and came to me. A completely new behavior, as if she needed help.
It was also violent. All four big kittens stood on their hind paws and either wanted to climb up or break through. In any case, they acted very determined.
I then poked an hole in the box and a step in front of it.
Who was the first one out? The new boss!

I stayed outside for a while, but everything was suddenly peaceful. Even Flecki made no further attempt to move. . The Boss actually explored a whole square meter and the other three stayed upstairs. But she was still too small to climb up again, so I gave her a climbing aid with this blue fabric.
After an hour they were all tired and lying in the box and I went to bed thinking about where I would find this family the next morning.


This morning was nothing like I expected. Flecki didn't move, she didn't even play the diva that everyone had to make room for. It was a really peaceful breakfast. The little ones just peeked out of the hole. Who knows where they had been during the night.
Later, they made a brief appearance for lunch, but they only watched the big cats from their stand.
Let's hope it stays that way.


Thanks for reading and commenting.

Veka, the bravest foundling kitten

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