12 is back its short story | 12 ah vuelto una historia corta [ENG | ESP]

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Quite a while ago I wrote a post about twelve, which needless to say is technically my "pet." You can read it if you like, but now I am going to present to you what has happened over time, how it is now, what you like, and a few more things, I hope you like it.
Quite a while ago I wrote a post about twelve, which needless to say is technically my "pet." You can read it if you like, but now I am going to present to you what has happened over time, how it is now, what you like, and a few more things, I hope you like it.

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What is your day to day like? | como es su dia a dia?

12 doesn't do anything really special on a typical day. Normally he only comes when the store opens after waiting to be fed and then he sleeps near the store and so on for almost the entire day...

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maybe I haven't mentioned it but I work in a food place so he is always eating the leftovers and asking for more XD, of course there comes a time when he can't eat anymore so he stops and right after that he sleeps until he gets hungry again... Truth wouldn't expect more from a cat :V

12 no hace nada realmente especial en un día común normalmente solo viene a la hora de abrir el local despues esperar a que lo alimenten y luego se duerme cerca del local y así durante casi todo el día...

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tal vez no lo e mencionado pero trabajo en un local de comida así que siempre esta comiendo las sobras y bien pidiendo que le de mas XD, claro llega un momento en el que no puede comer mas así que se detiene y justo despues duerme hasta que le vuelve a dar hambre... la vedad no esperaría mas de un gato :V

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What do you like to eat? | que le gusta comer?

Like all animals they like to eat meat... but like anyone they have likes and dislikes... so I have noticed the type of meat they like the most is chicken... and then beef tongue. .. (which is pretty good and I recommend it).

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One thing I like about 12 is that he doesn't meow, I mean he does meow but not really very loudly and I really can't tolerate that sound so I'm grateful that he doesn't do it almost, but to ask for something you don't have any choice but to approach him and mount his paw on my leg and that's enough to make me want to give him something. :D

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I forgot to tell you that he also likes potatoes, mainly French fries. 😁

Como a todo los animales le gusta comer carne... pero como cualquiera tiene gustos y disgustos... por lo que e notado el tipo de carne que mas le gusta es la de pollo.... ya despues la lengua de vaca... (que esta bastante buena y la recomiendo).

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Una cosa que me gusta de 12 es que no maúlla, quiero decir si maúlla pero no realmente muy fuerte y yo realmente no tolero ese sonido así que agradezco que el no lo haga casi, pero para pedir algo no le quemas mas opción que acercarse y montar la pata en mi pierna y ya con eso es suficiente para que quiera darle algo. :D

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which is your favorite place? | cual es su lugar favorito?

12 He lives in a shed that covers an entire block so he can come and see whenever he wants... but the truth is there are two places where he will be almost every time we look.
  1. At the entire entrance of the premises

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2 And when there are a lot of people around he just hides among things. and he really likes being under that engine.

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12 vive e un galpón que abarca toda un manzana así que puede ir y vernir cuando quiera... pero la verdad hay dos lugares donde casi siempre que busquemos el va a estar.
  1. En toda la entrada del local

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2 Y cuando hay mucha gente cerca el solo se esconde entre las cosas. y le gusta mucho estar debajo de ese motor

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I think that would be all for now... 12 is a chubby, happy and somewhat wild cat... but above all he is really nice to have around.

Thank you for reading the post and I hope in a couple of weeks or months to show you again how normal and fun 12 is.

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All more photos were taken by me


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