Making A Cattio For My Cats

I recently moved my cats into a larger space - a bigger cat house that I made for them. I had been considering this move for the past few months and had even planned to do it before my birthday, but due to being busy, I had to postpone it.


I eventually was able to make a new space for them after my birthday. The materials I used were actually from the old cabinet, spare wood, metal walls, and plywood that were available in our home.

I have two cats that are still continuously growing, that's why I decided to build them a new house since there are two of them sharing their old space. Their old cage was a little too small for them already and I knew that they needed a wider space for their comfort.

I was fortunate enough while building it since the tools and equipment were already available at home.

I'd like to share here how I made it:

Day 1: This is the start of the cutting and measuring of the lengths and space available for the new cage.


Day 2: Continued decision-making on how I will execute the design. I made sure to cover their potty area to give them privacy and aesthetic purposes.


Day 3: I was already able to finish their cat house. Put up the new walls and door. I used terracotta color to paint it. Looks more natural. Also, it is the only available paint in the house. Hahaha! I wasn't able to take a lot of photos while doing this because I was too focused on finishing it.


Day 4: I thought I was already finished but I was mistaken. Hahahaha! My Dad made a new platform for the cats since there was still space. I was thinking of just buying a hammock for them because I cannot execute the platform that my Dad made. It's too tricky for a newbie.


I also put a small door at the side for easy access when cleaning the litter box and to lessen the stress the cats on when cleaning them.


I am so glad that I was able to provide my cats with a bigger space. They deserve it. More space to lounge and to go from one platform to another.





As a pet owner, it makes my heart so happy to be able to provide for my pets. I hope this gives inspiration to anyone who's able to read this blog. And together, let's all be responsible pet owners.

#cats #domesticpet #domesticated #hivepets #catsofhive #philippines #petowner

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