Beating The Summer Heat With My Hive Pets

With the rising temperature, heat stroke, and other associated illnesses are very common and can be dangerous to our pet's health. After reading Ate @romeskie 's blog about what she does to help her pets deal with the summer heat, I have become inspired and wanted to share my ways also.

I currently have 5 pets at home (the other is yet to be introduced here), 3 dogs and 2 cats. The cheapest way I help them to beat the heat is by bathing them. Giving them a nice dry and brushing them afterward.

And so, today, I decided to bathe four of them. Starting with the easiest to give a bath to the most difficult and time-consuming. I first started with my two cats.



Taffy was the first one to freshen up, he was calm at first but he became agitated in the last minutes of our session. He was already biting the hose that I was using. Hahahaha!

I thought he would behave since my sister always bathes her but I was wrong.



The next one is our big boy, Shaun. I am the one who bathes him because my sister is afraid of him. For him, I am expecting so much because his previous owner always brings him to the groomer. But he can get moody when during shower time, he meows throughout. Good thing that he doesn't bite. But he scratched me. Haha, but it's okay.

After my cats, I proceeded to bathe my dogs. I started with Cooper.



Cooper gets a little stinky sometimes. It is hard to remove that away from him. This is also why I spend so much shampoo for him. The good thing is that he behaves in the shower but when he's done, he shrugs off the water.

The last but not the least is our little pig, Micky.



I always get annoyed when bathing Micky. It's as if it is his first time all the time he would have his shower. He would run around the bathroom and try to avoid the water. But fear not cause our little piggy can't outsmart me. Sometimes I would put him on a chair and he would just stay there. He behaves since he is afraid of heights. Hahahaha. He is also the most time-consuming since I have to dry and brush him. For now, I gave him a summer cut so it wouldn't be too hot for him.


After all the brushing, this is what I was able to remove from my two cats. It is important to brush their fur from time to time because it helps them to remove their excess fur especially when they are shedding. Taffy had the most fur right now and Shaun has already stopped shedding.


Anyway, this is the shampoo and conditioner that I am using for them. It is relatively new to us and I must say that it is a good product. It leaves a subtle scent on their fur and makes it smooth and silky.

To end this blog, I must say that it is important for us pet owners to know when is the time to stop during bathing sessions with our pets. They are like a timers when they're done, they are done. That's why we also need to understand them.

#pets #hivepets #domesticpet #dogs #cats #hiveph

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