[ENG/ESP] SOLO, a new member at home.


Today I am passing through this #hivepets community to show you the new development we have at home.
A new member has arrived and we have named him Solo. Actually, our beloved dog Frida gave birth to two puppies, but the first one lasted only a few hours. More Solito arrived as a second one and he was fighting, hahahaha. He just wanted to be breastfed, and since he was the only one left, that's why we named him Solo.

Hoy estoy de paso por esta comunidad de #hivepets para mostrarles el nuevo acontecimiento que tenemos en casa.
Un nuevo miembro ha llegado y le hemos puesto Solo. En realidad, nuestra amada perrita Frida dio a luz a dos perritos, pero el primero duró solo unas horas. Más Solito llegó de segundo y dando guerra, jajajaja. Solo quería ser amamantado, y como solo quedó él, por eso le pusimos por nombre Solo.


He was born light colored like Coki, with black ears and tail like Frida, and white paws like both of us. He has already started to open his eyes, so soon we will have him running around the house. I didn't want Frida to have puppies, because I didn't feel ready to have more dogs at home or to face her pregnancy, because she was born with a hernia in her navel, but happily everything was normal and since she only had two puppies she didn't have much weight. For me, Coki and Frida were more than enough, but it only took a second for me to get pregnant with Coki. Now there will be three: Coki, Frida and Solo.

Nació de color claro como Coki, con las orejas y cola negras como Frida, y las patas blancas como los dos. Ya comenzó a abrir los ojos, así que pronto lo tendremos corriendo por la casa. Yo no quería que Frida tuviera perritos, pues no me sentía aún preparada para tener más perros en casa ni enfrentar su embarazo, porque ella de nacimiento tiene una ernia en el ombligo, pero felizmente todo estuvo normal y como solo traía dos cachorros no tenía mucho peso. Para mí Con Coki y Frida era más que suficiente, pero solo bastó un segundo para que quedara embarazada de Coki. Ahora serán tres: Coki, Frida y Solo.




Our new addition doesn't even feel at home, he is always attached to Frida feeding and she watches over him jealously. She looks at us and circles around my feet to get me to stand next to her puppy to go out in the yard to relieve herself and runs back. At first, she didn't even want to stop to eat and we had to give her food on the cushion, but she does it normally now.
She and the puppy don't like the cushion liner, they take it off or sleep on the floor. For me it is something strange, only at night they climb on the cushion and not always. I don't even dare to take it to them for now so they don't throw it away.

Nuestro nuevo integrante ni se siente en casa, siempre está prendido de Frida alimentándose y ella lo cuida celosamente. Nos mira y da vueltas alrededor de mis pies para que me pare al lado de su cachorro para salir al patio a hacer sus necesidades y regresa corriendo. Al principio, no se quería ni parar a comer y teníamos que darle su comida en el cojín, pero ya lo hace con normalidad.
Al cachorro y a ella no les gusta el forro del cojín, se lo sacan o duermen en el suelo. Para mí es algo raro, solo en las noches suben al cojín y no siempre. No me atrevo ni a llevárselo por ahora para que no lo desechen.




I have only had one problem with Solo's arrival: now Frida won't let Coki enter the house or get close to Solito. Little by little we have to try to let her know that Coki can get close. Right now we are trying to make her feel comfortable defending her baby. She only allows us to hold her hand, but I think it is normal, since it has only been 9 days since birth.

Solo he tenido un problema con la llegada de Solo: ahora Frida no deja que Coki entre a la casa ni se acerque a Solito. Poco a poco tenemos que tratar que ella sepa que Coki puede acercarse. En estos momentos estamos tratando que ella se sienta cómoda defendiendo a su bebé. Solo permite que le pasemos la mano nosotros, pero creo que es normal, ya que han transcurrido solo 9 días de nacimiento.






She is sometimes exhausted and exhausted, but she makes herself comfortable so that her son does not stop nursing, it is amazing, sometimes she gently sticks her head to his head while he sleeps so she knows he is there, and as soon as he moves, she is already alert.
She is a fantastic mother and we have spoiled her since she came home.

Ella en ocasiones está rendida como exhausta , pero se acomoda para que su hijo no deje de amamantar, es impresionante, en ocasiones ella pega suavemente su cabeza a la de él mientras duerme para saber que está ahí, y nada más él se mueve, ya ella está alerta.
Es una madre fantástica y mira que la hemos mimado desde que llegó a casa.




Anyway, dear friends, we are very happy with the arrival of Solito. If Fridita, who was the first to arrive home, is spoiled, we will see what happens with Solito, who was born here. Well, dear friends, I hope you enjoyed meeting the new member of the family. I will see you again in another of my publications. See you soon, Bye!

En fin, queridos amigos, estamos muy contentos con la llegada de Solito. Si Fridita, que fue la primera que llegó a casa, está malcriada, veremos qué pasa con Solito, que nació aquí. Bueno, queridos amigos, espero que les haya gustado conocer al nuevo miembro de la familia. Los volveré a ver en otra de mis publicaciones. Hasta pronto. ¡Chao!

The photos were taken with a Redmi Note 13
DeepeL was used
Photos was made with Inshot

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