I think I should name this cat "Mano"

The number of cats in our house has increased. It seems that the cats have entered into a competition with the members of our house. In this competition, the cats want to increase their population.Well, my today's blog is about a certain cat. We haven't thought of a name for this cat yet, but with the love with which it lives in our house, I think we should think of a name for it soon.

What do you think should be her name? I think we should name her Manu, which is a very common name of cats.
Anyway, my little cousin calls this cat by the name of Manu.This is a small kitten and its mother also roams around our house. These little kittens don't run very fast, so they are easy to control. Maybe this is the reason why kittens easily fall into the hands of younger cousins.

Moreover, maybe the kittens have not yet learned to be afraid of humans. Otherwise, you also know very well that animals are very afraid of humans. As I mentioned before, the number of cats in our house has increased. There is also another reason behind this increase. There is a marriage hall right next to my house. In this marriage hall, weddings are held every day and different types of dishes are also prepared for weddings. This means that where so many food items are prepared must have cats and dogs.

Everything on this earth moves in a cycle. Human beings, birds, animals and insects are all part of the cycle of nature. In this cycle of nature, one thing is for the benefit of another. I have seen many people who don't like cats.Even some of my close people catch cats and move them to other cities because they don't like cats. But one thing should be kept in mind that cats are also created by God and they maintain balance in our life.

In order to maintain this cycle of nature and to maintain balance in life, humans should not harm any other creature but be good with them. Well, as far as cats are concerned, cats are very delicate. Cats are also said to be helpful in relieving depression.

My uncle and aunt have cats in their house. Actually they don't have any children so they spend their time with cats. They treat cats like their own children. After seeing, many times I wanted to keep cats in my heart, but my mother often forbids me.

Look at my little cousin Muhammad Khan. Muhammad Khan spends the whole day with this little manu.

It seems like that Muhammad Khan's hobby has become playing with cats. Now if I want Muhammad Khan to fall sleep then I have to make the sound of the cat. Hearing the sound of the cat, Muhammad Khan laughs and tries to hide. In this hide and seek, Muhammad Khan falls asleep.

Seeing Muhammad Khan's cute actions, the whole family is also very happy. Everyone leaves their work and gets attracted towards Muhammad Khan.Seeing Muhammad's activities everyone laugh and forget his own work to do.See, I have given you an example of how to relieve depression. This proves that cats actually help to relieve depression.

See you next 🌺
All pictures are owned by me

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