[Esp-Eng] I present to you my little Boddy🐶😍♥️

¡Hola amigos de Hive y de Hive Pets! Espero que estén bien, con muchas bendiciones. Estoy complacida por mostrarles algo muy importante en mi vida.

Hello friends of Hive and Hive Pets! I hope you are well, with many blessings. I am pleased to show you something very important in my life.

Estos dias me he destacado haciendo varias cosas y publicando en varias comunidades, me gusta porque he podido ir desarrollando cosas que no sabía podría hacer. Hoy quiero presentarles y hablarles de mi mascota, se llama Boddy y es el amor de nuestras vida porque gracias a él se lo que es verdadero amor.

These days I have stood out doing various things and publishing in various communities, I like it because I have been able to develop things that I did not know I could do. Today I want to introduce you and talk to you about my pet, his name is Boddy and he is the love of our lives because thanks to him I know what true love is.


Les cuento como llegó a mi vida, en el año 2017,en el mes de julio, no recuerdo exactamente el día, una amiga de mi mamá llevaba a vacunar a unos cachorritos muy pequeños, mi hermano y yo le lloramos a nuestros padres por tener uno de ellos, siempre nos ha gustado mucho los animales.

I tell you how it came into my life, in 2017, in the month of July, I don't remember exactly the day, a friend of my mother took some very small puppies to be vaccinated, my brother and I cried to our parents for having one of them, we have always liked animals very much.

Luego de varios días, mis padres aceptaron y nos regalaron nuestra primera mascota, se llamaba Dobby como el elfo de Harry Potter, nuestra película favorita, al transcurrir 6 meses de educarlo y sobre todo amarlo, una noche llegamos a casa de un concurso de belleza, el cual estaba yo participando y gané, estábamos celebrando en el frente de mi casa y él se escapó y cruzó la calle, juntamente venía un carro y lo atropelló, de inmediato falleció y fue un golpe muy fuerte para mi familia.

After several days, my parents accepted and gave us our first pet, his name was Dobby after the elf from Harry Potter, our favorite movie, after 6 months of educating him and above all loving him, one night we came home from a beauty contest , which I was participating in and I won, we were celebrating in front of my house and he ran away and crossed the street, a car came along and ran him over, he immediately died and it was a very strong blow for my family.

A los tres días la tristeza se apoderó de nosotros, mi papá desesperado salió en busca de uno nuevo, para tratar de llenar ese vacío, nuevamente acudió a la amiga que nos había regalado el primero y para nuestra sorpresa tenía uno que acababa de nacer y era hermano del ya fallecido, se lo dio mi papá y cuando llego que lo vi pensé que no resistiria porque era muy pequeño, es de raza pincher con podder. Desde ese día, nos dedicamos en él.

After three days sadness took over us, my father desperately went looking for a new one, to try to fill that void, he again went to the friend who had given us the first one and to our surprise he had one that had just been born and He was the brother of the deceased, my father gave it to him and when I arrived I saw him I thought he would not resist because he was very small, he is of the pincher breed with podder. Since that day, we have dedicated ourselves to it.

Y ya han pasado 4 años de aquel día. En la actualidad es el único vivo de su familia, sus hermanitos fallecieron y una estuvo desaparecida y a sus padrea los atropelló un carro también. Desde entonces, es el que alegra nuestra casa, es feliz cuando salimos y regresamos, no hay sensación más linda que verlo alegrarse solo porque llegas a casa, el que le da vida a mi hogar, ruido, le encanta que lo paseen en el carro y es el que integra a mi familia solo para que jueguen con él.

And it's been 4 years since that day. Currently he is the only one alive in his family, his little brothers died and one was missing and his parents were hit by a car too. Since then, he is the one that brightens up our house, he is happy when we go out and come back, there is no better feeling than seeing him rejoice just because you come home, the one that gives life to my home, noise, he loves to be driven in the car and it is the one that integrates my family just to play with it.



Simplemente es amor, tanto amor el que puede brindarte un animalito de estos, él es feliz porque nos tiene y nosotros somos felices de tenerlo.

It is simply love, so much love that one of these little animals can give you, he is happy because he has us and we are happy to have him.





Texto traducido por Deepls

Text translated by Deepls

Las fotos y el contenido son de mi autoría👏

Photos and content are my own👏

Espero que les guste. Gracias por estar al pendiente, espero que podamos seguir compartiendo conocimientos.

Hope you like. Thank you for being on the lookout, I hope we can continue sharing knowledge.

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