The Destructive Side of Having Puppies

Don’t get my wrong but having a couple puppies brings a ton of laughter into the Splatts house. These two little guys are so funny to watch wrestle and zoom all over the house and around the yard. Growing up and even as an adult I have only owned on breed of dog as a puppy, The Labrador. I’ve never owned smaller dog breeds but I figured as puppies there is bound to be some items that get chewed up or destroyed. I mean how much damage could these cute little guys cause anyway??


Exhibit A
The Couch Pillow Zipper

At least they didn’t destroy the pillow cover itself. They managed to unzip the cover and chew off the teeth of the zipper in a matter of minutes. I’m gonna have to run this pillow to my Mom and use her sewing expertise to put on a new zipper.

Exhibit B
Mama Splatts’ Flip-Flop

I’ve lost a shoe or two in my days of owning puppies. Typically they chew the upper portion of the heal out. Since day one we have said, “Keep your shoes, socks, and clothes picked up off the floor” Well Mama Splatts failed to listen to her own advice and now her favorite flip-flops have suffered the consequences

Exhibit C
The Wall

This hole initially got there from a skateboard when my daughter was goofing around on it. She lost her balance and it shot out from under her and hit the wall. Well in a matter of minutes being left alone to handle something outside, these two little turds decided to try and make their own doggy door.


They like to take naps on the back of the couch like cats or something. One morning they woke my daughter up chewing on another wall of the house.


Why on earth would they enjoy chewing on the frikken walls?? Do the paint chips taste good or is it the sheetrock??

It’s not like they don’t have plenty of toys to chew up and play with. I swear no matter how many toys are laying around puppies will always find something else to chew on


I think their favorite thing to chew on is each other. Ears, feet, tails, neck… whatever they can latch their sharp little puppy teeth into.


It’s so funny how puppies get so much satisfaction in tearing a stuffed animal apart and ripping out all the stuffing. Leaving a rag of fabric to play tug-o-war with.


A pillow zipper, a flip-flop, and two spots on the walls… at least they haven’t started chewing on the corners of the couch or table and chair legs. Like a toddler after learning how to watch you can’t turn your back on them for just a few minutes. LOL

How about some sleeping puppy pics to close out this post? Tony and Elmer are liter mates and you would never know it by looking at them. They are like total opposites but they love cuddling with each other.



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