One Wears a Cone ~ The Other is… A little Different

Anyone up for a little doggy update? If not… too bad you are getting one anyway. For those that don’t know, the Splatts Fam adopted a couple puppies from a local shelter. These two boys are littermates and look nothing alike. Elmer is a short and stalky little powerhouse and Tony… well Tony’s legs are so long he often doesn’t know what to do with them. Elmer can walk underneath Tony, just to put things in some sort of perspective. One thing they do have in common is they really like to invade your personal space…


These frikken psychos are a little over 10 months old. They wrestle and chase each other around constantly! When Elmer doesn’t want to wrestle Tony will throw a fit. Laying on his back rolling around, folding himself in half, growling, and making some weird high pitch noises. What a spaz!!

Little Elmer wants to chill but Tony… he wants to wrestle!

Ol’ Tweekin’ Tony does have some pretty sweet Ninja moves. Check out that rear leg launch and slide into a under the couch cushion sniff…


Little Elmer guy may be small and at a disadvantage against Tony’s long, out of control legs but he manages to hold his own. Most of the time he is the one instigating the wrestling matches anyway.


After going a few ferocious rounds of biting eachother’s legs, face, and pulling on neck skin it’s nap time. They often nestle between my legs when I’m lounging on the couch. I almost feel guilty when I need to get up… they look so comfortable.


About a month ago we noticed Elmer’s eye had something wrong. We aren’t quite sure how it happened but we assume it was from them wrestling and fighting with each other. Little Elmer got Cherry Eye. After a visit to the Vet and trying some eye drops and ointment, we realized it wasn’t getting better. So in for surgery the little guy went. It’s been close to a week since his surgery and it’s been quite a battle to keep him from rubbing it even with the cone on.

It’s still a little red and slightly swollen but it looks way better than it did

The Vet said he needs to just chill out and relax… ya frikken right!!! They both are 10 month old puppies, trying to stop them from getting the zoomies and wrestling is nearly impossible. Especially with Tony around. He is nuts!!

Speaking of Tony…

After throwing a fit because Elmer was taking a nap, he zoomed around a bit and ended up on his back on the back of the couch. Looking around as if he had no idea how he got there.

@kuku-splatts know how to tame Ol’ Tweekin’ Tony…

He is so funny!! When he is tired he will gently gnaw on your hand or finger. Then he will just hold it in his mouth as he struggles to keep his eyes open.


Sometimes he even falls asleep with his head up in the air or with the carcass of a stuffed animal shoved in his mouth.


One thing I know for sure is that these two pound puppies have brought the Splatts house tons of smiles and laughter. With some frustrations along the way, when they decide to chew on the walls or rip a whole in the carpet…


Just a little longer in the cone of shame and Elmer should be back to himself. For now we just need to keep him chilled out…

limit the wrestling
Despite the cone…
The little guy
Still holds his own


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