Grooming day with Duke (ENG - SPA)


Reasons to shave him

Hi #hivepets friends, a week ago I told you that my dog Duke was going to shave his mane because I had to take him to the hairdresser to leave him hairless and remove the knots that had formed on his back and especially his paws, because at home he doesn't let me remove anything, he is very delicate.

With mane

I like the way he looks with his mane he looks like a beautiful lion, but since a long time ago approximately four years ago he presents problems in his skin which is an excessive itching in the pads of his paws that has ascended to parts of his body and as he has not been diagnosed effectively, I wanted to shave him to take him to a new vet who is a dermatologist and perform the necessary tests to finally know what his problem is.

Very early my cab driver arrived home to take me and Duke to the groomer, I wanted to be the first one and I thought there were no more pets to shave, but Duke got the third place, we arrived at 9 am and left at 2 pm.

While we were on the way I took some pictures before shaving him to make a before and after comparison, the before pictures were beautiful, because he was also very calm, relaxed and he let me take pictures from different angles, some were with the rear camera and others were selfie type.

No mane

I was waiting all those hours at the groomer's and I was entertained because many canine and feline patients arrived with their families and I talked with all of them during those hours, it was a good idea because it served to distract me and release the stress that causes me a day of grooming with Duke, in fact I felt that the hours passed relatively quickly.

When we leave, Duke always loses his charm and looks less handsome than before, but it's something I need to do to him, he comes out desperate to get in the car and rush home and he's usually so stressed that he gets hyperactive and I have a hard time taking good pictures.

This time I could only take about 3 to make the comparison, and well although he doesn't look so cute to my eyes he is still my precious son, when I got home I checked him carefully and I noticed things I had not seen before, he has marks on his skin underneath dark as scaly freckles and itchy, They are not new marks, you can see that they are old and I am glad I shaved him to be able to observe this that I did not see before, I hope to go quickly to the vet before the hair grows next week and I will be returning to the community giving you details of the results of that visit.

! [Spanish version]

Día de peluquería con Duke

Razones para afeitarlo

Hola amigos de #hivepets hace una semana les comenté que mi perrito Duke se iba a desprender de su melena porque tenía que llevarlo a la peluquería para dejarlo sin pelo y poder quitar los nudos que se le habían formado en su parte trasera y sobre todo sus patas, ya que en casa no se deja quitar nada conmigo es muy delicado.

Con Melena

A mí me gusta cómo se ve con su melena parece un león hermoso, pero desde hace mucho tiempo aproximadamente cuatro años él presenta problemas en su piel que es un picor excesivo en las almohadillas de sus patas que se ha ascendido a partes de su cuerpo y como no ha sido diagnosticado efectivamente, quería afeitarlo para llevarlo a un nuevo veterinario que es dermatólogo y realizar los exámenes necesarios para saber por fin cuál es su problema.

Bien temprano llegó a casa mi taxista para llevarme con Duke a la peluquería, yo quería ser la primera y pensé que no había más mascotas para afeitar, pero a Duke le tocó el tercer lugar, llegamos a las 9 de la mañana y salimos a las 2 de la tarde.

Mientras íbamos en camino aproveche de tomar algunas fotografías antes de afeitarlo para realizar una comparación de antes y después, las fotos de antes quedaron bellísimas, porque él también estaba muy tranquilo, relajado y se dejó tomar fotos desde distintos ángulos algunas fueron con la cámara trasera y otros tipos selfie.

Sin Melena

Yo me quedé esperando todas esas horas en la peluquería y me entretuve porque llegaron muchos pacientes caninos y felino con sus familiares y conversé con todos ellos durante esas horas, fue una buena idea porque me sirvió para distraerme y liberar el estrés que me causa un día de peluquería con Duke, de hecho sentí que las horas pasaron relativamente rápida.

Al salir, Duke siempre pierde su encanto y se ve menos guapo que antes, pero es algo que necesito hacerle, el sale desesperado con ganas de montarse en el carro y regresar rápido a casa y por lo general está tan estresado que se pone hiperactivo y me cuesta mucho tomar buenas fotos.

Esta vez solo pude tomarle unas 3 para hacer la comparación, y bueno aunque no se ve tan lindo ante mis ojos sigue siendo mi hijo precioso, al llegar a casa lo revisé con cuidado y observé cosas que no había visto antes, tiene marcas en su piel por debajo oscura como pecas escamosas y qué le pican, no son marcas nuevas, se pueden ver que son viejas y me alegro de haberlo afeitado para poder observar esto que no veía antes espero ir rápido a la veterinaria antes que crezca el pelo la próxima semana y estaré regresando a la comunidad dándoles detalles de los resultados de esa visita.

¡May your dreams of prosperity come true! ¡Que tus sueños de prosperidad se vuelvan realidad!
Credits - Créditos
Translated with || traducido con: Deepl Translator. || Separator for
Own pictures Edited InShot || Imágenes propias : Samsug A33 Cell Phone. Community banner @hivepets

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