El Ringo Nevado se bañó [ENG][ESP]

El Ringo Nevado se bañó//The Ringo Nevado took a bath


¿Quién dijo que gato repara autobus?

El Ringo Nevado llegó a la casa negro, él es blanco y llegó negro de grasa, ¿cómo se le ocurre? No tanto eso, sino que estaba triste.

La verdad no soy de bañar a los gatos, pero hoy me tocó, a él le encanta montarse en la cama y como lo veía triste, me dió la impresión que se sentía mal, entonces tome la iniciativa de bañarlo.


Agarré agua con temperatura ambiente, hace calor, así que el agua es tibia, estaba bastante sabrosa, con jabón y con cuidado le pase las manos, no quedó muy limpio. Se hizo lo que se pudo.

Le dije a mi hijo que me grabará bañandolo pero que va... No grabó bien y le dije que tomara las fotos, es decir las fotos de Ringo metido en el agua las tomó él.

Who said cat repairs buses?

Ringo Nevado arrived at the house black, he is white and he arrived black with fat, how can he think of it? Not so much that, but he was sad.

The truth is I'm not one to bathe cats, but today it was my turn, he loves to get on the bed and since I saw him sad, I got the impression that he felt bad, so I took the initiative to bathe him.

I took water with room temperature, it's hot, so the water is lukewarm, it was quite tasty, with soap and I carefully rubbed it with my hands, it wasn't very clean. What could be done, was done.

I told my son that he will record me bathing him but that's it... It didn't record well and I told him to take the photos, that is, the photos of Ringo in the water were taken by him.

Mi gatito lindo se Portó muy bien, es un buen gatito y tranquilo. Al terminar de darle con el jabón, le eché agua limpia para quitarle el jabón, con un paño lo seque y cargue, le di besitos para que se quedara tranquilo.

Lo dejé que se secara con el sol y que el sol le diera calor porque estaba con frío. Al rato que ya estaba casi seco, entró a la casa y se quedó en el mismo sitio. Lo cargue y lo monte conmigo en la cama para dormir abrazados como siempre.

Él estaba tranquilo, lo que lo veía era como triste, no se si es porque tenía algo en su pelaje que no le gustaba, el olor al jabón o le dieron un golpe, no se. Solo espero que su humor mejore para mañana.

Igual quedó sucio pero eso ya se le quita con los días, ya lo tengo de experiencia con otros felinos. Les cuento que la semana que viene les toca esterilización y deben estar bien sanitos, los dos gatos machos para que les vaya bien en su operación.


My cute kitten behaved very well, he is a good and calm kitten. When I finished giving him the soap, I poured clean water on him to remove the soap, with a cloth I dried him and charged him, I gave him little kisses so that he would stay calm.

I let it dry in the sun and let the sun give it warmth because it was cold. After a while when it was almost dry, he entered the house and stayed in the same place. I load it and mount it with me in bed to sleep cuddling as always.

He was calm, what I saw was sad, I don't know if it was because he had something in his fur that he didn't like, the smell of soap or he got hit, I don't know. I just hope your mood improves by tomorrow.

It was still dirty but that goes away with the days, I already have it from experience with other cats. I tell you that next week they have to be sterilized and they must be very healthy, the two male cats so that they do well in their operation.

A mi si me pareció extraño que estuviera con el ánimo bajo, incluso me preocupe tanto que lo monte en la cama y ahí estuvo un buen rato, no quería caminar. También tenía grasa en las patas, sería que eso le molestaba.

Estoy orgullosa de él porque no se puso a pelear conmigo, solo estaba incómodo porque obvio, lo estaba bañando y no le gusta, sin embargo se portó como todo un Galán con el gato es.

Mis gatos siempre han sido mis tesoros, no me he quejado con ninguno, solo cuando se hacen sus necesidades fisiológicas donde no es.

It seemed strange to me that he was in low spirits, I even worried so much that I put him on the bed and he stayed there for a long time, he didn't want to walk. He also had fat on his legs, maybe that bothered him.

I'm proud of him because he didn't start fighting with me, he was just uncomfortable because obviously, I was giving him a bath and he doesn't like it, however he behaved like a Gallant with the cat he is.

My cats have always been my treasures, I have not complained to any of them, only when they do their physiological needs where it is not.

Creo que los animales son tranquilos o pasivos dependiendo de la crianza que les den en el hogar, si tus mascotas son bravas es porque en casa así lo permitieron. Yo tuve una perra que no era muy simpática, sin embargo yo la cargaba para donde yo iba y ella estaba feliz. Sin groserías. No mordió nunca a nadie, solo que como ella tuvo un accidente, no le gustaba que la tocarán mucho.

Por ahora, me despido y vuelvo la semana que viene con la experiencia de mis niños y su esterilización.

I believe that animals are calm or passive depending on the upbringing they are given at home, if your pets are brave it is because they allowed it to be so at home. I had a dog that was not very nice, however I carried her wherever I went and she was happy. No rudeness. She never bit anyone, only since she had an accident, she didn't like being touched a lot.

For now, I say goodbye and come back next week with the experience of my children and their sterilization.


Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜

-Fotos tomadas por Redmi Note 9S

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