The ethics of drug testing on animals.

Hello everyone, how did your day go? Let's chat about some issues happening around us.

I am someone who is very interested in exploring interesting aspects of all fields related to life that few people pay attention to. But after much consideration, I have decided to speak up about my opinion on "using animals to test drugs".

When I was in middle school, our teacher gave us a question and wanted to hear everyone's opinion. The question was "Is using animals to test drugs an inhumane act?" Although it has been quite a long time, I still remember my answer very clearly. At that time, I was very confident and straightforward in answering that testing drugs on animal bodies is not an inhumane act. Because my opinion always looks towards reality. Life exists because of humans and for humans, sacrificing a few small animals to create great drugs that can save many people is a very normal thing.


But now my opinion is different. Once, I accidentally saw the host's dog being vaccinated for rabies. When I saw the needle and the needle was injected into the dog's body, it resisted and cried loudly, as if it was very afraid of being injected even though the injection was good for it. Many people always assume that animals do not have emotions like humans, they do not know what happiness is, what sadness is, so treating them like humans is unnecessary.

I also used to have that kind of thinking. But when I look back at myself or even many other people. From a young age, most of us are very afraid of needles and of going to the hospital for check-ups. We cry, scream in fear when injected with drugs that we do not know what it is or what it does. So then the animals must feel the same way. They must have been very painful, afraid, and desperate when locked in a laboratory, injected with many types of drugs into their bodies for the sole purpose of testing the effectiveness of drugs for humans.

From another perspective, humans and other animals are based on some theoretical foundations. Using animals to test drugs is like exploiting their own kind to achieve their own goals. There have been many studies proving that animals also have emotions like humans.

Not all animal species can replace humans in testing drug side effects or efficacy. Drug or cosmetic testing needs to be tested for a very long time and the drug dose will gradually increase. This will cause a lot of pain for animals.

Not to mention that using animals to test drugs will increase the risk of endangering rare animal species. Mice and rabbits are easy to breed and easy to raise and are often used in labs. But dogs and cats are often pets that many people keep as their friends or children. Pet owners see them as friends or children. In addition, monkeys and lions are also one of the rare animal species that can live and develop fully in the natural environment and are being conserved. So using their bodies to test drugs is not the right direction and will threaten the lineages of rare animal species.


According to the information I have learned, before conducting research, scientists must be granted a detailed license for animal species, quantity, and environmental conditions.

Currently, thanks to the development of science and technology, researchers use replacement methods such as cells, tissues and computer models. These methods provide more accuracy, reliability, and wider application than using animals.


My family used to raise a dog for 8 years, and all my family members loved that dog. Every day, I played with it and my family named it "Bop", meaning a well-behaved and energetic dog. When my grandfather died, I stopped eating for several days. And then there was a time when my house's dog was sick, it couldn't eat anything and kept vomiting water. Every week it had to be injected a lot, but I watched it suffer every day and deteriorate. And then it couldn't get over and it died, I still remember when I was 15 years old. At that time, I really cried a lot, I really sympathized with it going through so many painful treatments but I still couldn't overcome them. Now, I still can't forget the moment it died.


Anyone who has ever raised and interacted with animals almost felt their feelings towards humans and fellow creatures, only the way they perceive and express themselves is different from humans.

Anything that causes their pets to hurt or injure would also make their owners very distressed. They are animals that cannot speak like humans; they are forced to endure medications injected into their bodies without a basis for whether it is safe or not. The way we treat them is unfair. I am sure that I and many people who have or even have not raised pets sympathize with animals being taken for drug testing.


Or even some animals that are not raised as pets are not nurtured by humans to be friends, they still need to be treated like any other animal species. The fact that they carry some kind of human-like genotype should not be a legitimate reason for humans to be allowed to test drugs on their bodies.

These are some of my own opinions on the issue of using animals to test drugs. I really hope that many people agree with me on this issue."

Wishing everyone a delightful read!

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