A Tame Jumping Spider

The jumping spider I've been keeping over the winter has been getting bigger and bigger.
I've been trying to tame her for better photos and I think its starting to work. Here she is in the lid of her enclosure where she has webbed up the corner and spends most of the time eyeing crickets below.

This is my method of taming her. Just let them out of the cage and get used to your hand and they start familiarizing themselves with you without bouncing away in a millisecond.

With a really wild jumping spider the only way to get reliable photos is to wait for them to eat something so they will stay still.

Now that I've been handling her more it has been easier to get her to jump on my hand from her enclosure.

Once she has been in the hand for a while she starts calming down leaving me the opportunity to take macro photos.

I always try and get good face shots of those cute four eyes and the fancy iridescent fangs.

Here is a side view showing how plump she is getting. You can also see one of the eyes in the back of her head. Imagine having 360 degree vision, she is quite the advanced little robot.

Arm hair seems to pose a difficulty for her though, perhaps a firmware upgrade is needed for tricky surfaces lol.

After a few minutes of photos I let her hop off my hand back into her enclosure. She immediately goes to work webbing up the lid again, they are busy little critters.

Once it gets warm outside again I'll let her go in the spring plants on my balcony where I found her in the first place. There she can eat flies and aphids that try and eat my plants or get in the house. That's all for now thanks for looking :-)

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