A Dog's Curiosity: Levi Found a Strange Creature

I was having my morning coffee surrounded by my mom's plants when Levi, the most loyal (and endlessly curious) dog decided to wander around the plants my mom proudly tended. That’s when I heard it: the unmistakable huff of canine annoyance. I glanced over and saw him, nose wrinkled, tail twitching in frustration, staring at something small and green.

A caterpillar.

At first, Levi sniffed it only to recoil dramatically, as if the poor caterpillar had insulted his very soul. His eyebrows furrowed (as much as a dog’s could), and he gave the bug a good side-eye as if to say, How dare you smell like this?

I laughed at Levi's poor attempt to intimidate the poor creature. He wasn’t having it. He tried poking the little thing with his nose, the caterpillar emits this weird smell, then decided to huff at it again. The expression on his face was pure disbelief—How can something so tiny smell this... weird?

Despite his frustration, Levi couldn't resist checking it out again. It was like a game: sniff, recoil, glare. Rinse and repeat. Eventually, he let out a big sigh and gave me the most exasperated look, clearly wondering why I was not helping him deal with this strange-smelling intruder. The caterpillar crawled nonchalantly on, oblivious to the chaos it had caused in Levi's world.

There's truly no boring morning when Levi is around.

Thanks for dropping by and reading Levi's morning adventure! 🐶

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