Everything that is Black is Beautiful, Especially if it is a Cat or Kitten. Ikay Gave Birth to Four Beautiful Kittens, and She Has a Tabby, an Orange, and a Black!

I love black, black is beautiful and cool. And even though it looks boring and dark to some, for me, it is lovely. I love everything that is black, especially when it comes to clothing and animals. My clothes are almost black now, and my oldies can't help but take notice of it because it looks like I don't change clothes. But I do change it, they just can't see the difference, even though my black clothes have different designs or prints on them, lol. Same with animals, I love black dogs, and I love black cats too.


I remember my favorite cat, Panda Panda, who disappeared in 2022. He just vanished and never went back home again. I love him because he is sweet and clingy, and even if some don't like him because of his color, for me, he is the handsomest, the prettiest, and the most perfect cat in the world. And his black color is what makes him so special and perfect. He is so spoiled to me, and it really saddened me when he just disappeared like that.


It is always the male cat that disappears at home because they are always in heat, they have to find a mate somewhere. We don't want to put them in a cage or put them on leashes because it's like we are taking their freedom. Even if we put them at home inside, they can always find a way to escape. And I think this is the reason why he didn't come back to us anymore. We look for him everywhere, but sadly, until now, he is still nowhere to be found.


It took time before I could move on. I still think of him from time to time, especially since I never delete his images on my phone. He is also on my Facebook, which became one of my profile pictures before. I am still hopeful that in the first, second, and third months he will find his way home. But he really didn't come back to us. And since his disappearance, I am always hopeful that our cat will again give birth to a black cat. It happened twice, but they all died from sickness, unfortunately.


I really wish they survived it, but the home remedy we took didn't do much to extend their lives. It's really hard to lose a pet. But what's harder is watching them suffer because of it. Aigooo. Anyways, since my Panda Panda's disappearance, I always long for a black cat, even with a touch of white or whatever is enough as long as it is more of a black. I thought I would never experience that again, but then, yesterday, our Ikay gave birth to four beautiful kittens.

And I think this time we have a black kitten - I mean, a full one, I think?? What do your guys think? It doesn't have any pattern like the other two. This one is darker too, which is really beautiful. Not sure yet about the gender, but it doesn't matter, the color is what's important, lol. I really, really just want a black cat. It would be amazing if it were a full one, no white, orange, or whatever. But well, if it has any of those, then it's okay too, no problemo (人 •͈ᴗ•͈).

Tadaaaaan! Here's more! They all look really cute, and let me just add that Ikay is our third cat that gave birth this year. And all of them have four kittens, like, there's a lot of little ones now running around the house. It's cute and all, but managing them is kind of hard, especially since I can't do much for them. So most of the time, it's my oldies who take care of them. But I volunteered to feed the adult cat, so at least I still have the contribution here, lol (≧▽≦).

I really hope they grow well and are healthy. We are doing our best to take care of them all. It's up to the momma cat now to see how they will grow healthier and stronger. Well, actually, I'm saying this because it's really been a problem even since. Our Ikay here is kind of lazy to feed her kittens sometimes, just like Toktok ba, and maybe it tickles too whenever they drink milk through her breast, she sometimes avoids them as if they are not her babies. This is just based on our observation last time. She just leaves her babies and sometimes lets the other mommy cat feed them.

She's the kind of Momma cat who says, "I'd rather eat more, nevermind the kids!" You know, she's really a devourer, every time she wants to eat, she will just sleep, but not beside her babies but afar. It's like the role she wants to take is "watcher" only and not as a mother. It's a headache sometimes, seriously, she is not the responsible kind of mom. It's a good thing, though, that the other cat let her babies drink milk from their breasts. They feed them all simultaneously. The only thing we can do is feed them food and put a lot of water beside them.

I just hope this time it's different ಥ‿ಥ.

Anyway, let me share more of their photos. Do you see the two black kittens? I think one of them has a pattern, while the other is full black. They are still babies, but maybe their color will still stay the same, hopefully.

Here's a chaotic photo of them, lol. Two of the kittens of Toktok are sleeping comfortably beside them. Their Momma Toktok is lazy again to feed her babies, aghhh, all of them of them is just!!. Seriously, she's only good when it's eating time, but once it is done, she will just walk away like she's not a momma cat to her babies.

Here's another close-up photo, it's cute, no? It has a pattern in the head and face, but the body is in full black, they'll surely grow beautifully, that's for sure.


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