Cutie and Maskulado, A New Addition to the Family

Having a Paw Friend, Paw Family and a Paw Siblings is really awesome as you can find comfort to them anytime and anywhere and we will never be judge by them. Can you relate to that?



If you're a fur Mom or you have a fur siblings, you have no choice but to be their siblings because sometimes they are move loved than their own child. Like Mom, she will pity her fur babies when they don't have viand but if that's me. She will just tell me to take care of it myself. She will buy them a delicious viand but us? Haha, will just go with canned foods, lol. Well I not really hurt or what coz I know I can relate to them coz I did that too to my late doggo, my Joko. For sure a lot of Fur Mom can relate to this ( ꈍᴗꈍ).



Okay, let me tell you a bit about their Mom, Wishy Wishy. Her whole name is Lawiswis that came from a fictional character then it was shortened and become Wiswis and then later on and finally, Wishy Wishy. We call her that, just because and I think it suit that name to her.

And bow, to the 7th Generation from Wishy Wishy. May I present to you this Lovies. They don't have the breed like others but they are more important than no other. We treat them like a family and there is no favoritism here. But let me tell you a secret (I have a favorite and no one knows who, so shhhh (≧▽≦).)

So here's their baby picture. They look so innocent that you will think that they are not a pain in the ass,lol. They look like that they will never do naughty things right? But don't be fooled, they are just a baby but they are already good on climbing. Specially that Cutie (white cat), well Maskulado is also a naughty one but Cutie is on a next level, I mean her mischievousness lol. Cute? Aren't they (◕ᴗ◕✿) lol.


Like seriously, look at her lelelel. Cutie, because she's a girl what I notice with her is she's kinda noisy and her voice is much iver reacting like when I carry her just to pet her she will like "Mom, put me down you ugly creature, lol." I can imagine it you see lol. I just want to give her a kiss but I can't coz she will cry loudly like I am doing bad to her. But even if she's like that she's also sweet.

When I put her in my lap she will really stay there and will cling to me like Im her real mom. And that's what I like about her even though she's stubborn sometimes. Her stubbornness and mischievousness was covered by her cuteness and sweetness in the end, lol.

And now meet our Maskulado, lol. Mommy F call him Maskulado, while Mommy D call him Kokoy and me? I call him Orenji (≧▽≦). He has a lot of name but of course we need to come up with only one so I'm okay with the name Maskulado so I'm gonna call him that. He's handsome right? But he has this aloofness that it's hard to read him sometimes.



As you can all notice,most of his picture are blurry and it's very few unlike with Cutie who's like a model that I can take a picture of her anytime. While Maskulado, aside from he is very hard to read he is also snobbish. He is very active though that everyday is always a playtime to him. He's also as stubborn as Cutie but Cutie is on the Deans Lister while Maskulado has honor when it comes to their individual traits.


This pet is just nothing to some but to me, to us and to other fur parents out there, they are a friend, a family, a companion or a best friend that we can talk to if we want. And to be honest Cat or Dog, they are much much better to some other human as they act more humanely than to those human but has an animal behaviour. And I'd rather be with them than to be with people. That's just for me, I'm not sure about you.

So to my co fur mom, hows's your pocket right now for their other needs? Our cat cat foods are about to run out so we need to ready our pocket for them again, lol. It makes them happy anyways so why not give it to them ┌|oo|┘♪.

So that's is for today. Thank You for reading until here and for giving attention to our babies. I hope you enjoy their cuteness yes?

And Happy Sunday y'all!!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)


July 17, 2022
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