A Tribute to my Long Lost Pets

Gone forever Pets

The feeling of losing your pets is very heavy. That is because of the deep connection and attachment to them. I considered my pets as a member of the family and not just animals. Ok, let's start this post with my first pet.



Doey was a 1-year-old rabbit when I bought him from a pet shop in my locality. He was a sick rabbit with a skin condition that is caused by bacterial infection. after a series of medications, Doey becomes okay. He was a very smart rabbit because he know how to build his own tunnel without getting wet with rain. He was a free-range rabbit meaning to say he spent most of his life outdoors. One day Doey never showed up to us and only to find that he is dead for unknown reasons.

Bjorn the labrador

Up next is Bjorn the Labrador dog. Bjorn was a puppy when I found him in an abandoned apartment at the state university where I work. He was about two months old. Bjorn still has his mother at that time but I need to adopt him because of his health condition. His back part was infested with maggots and it is very severe. After medication, Bjorn went well but sad to say he was infected with parvovirus and didn't survive.



Clunky and Bubble was given to me by one of my good friends. these two guinea pigs were very cute and adorable. They are so smart and fluffy. I made their housing so they can roam around but they are free to roam around our house too. They are too healthy and active. They are very vocal with very cute voices. One day, typhoon Agaton strikes our municipality, and these two beautiful creatures didn't survive because stress brought by the typhoon.


Achilles a.k.a. Aki was a labrador puppy. He is a very cute and active puppy. He often shouts when he saw food or when he is hungry. Aki is so a playful and friendly puppy but he is also very protective of us. He always plays with my other dogs. Achilles was very healthy but got infected with parvovirus "again" and didn't able to survive. Two days after the infection Aki left us.

I still have the heaviness in me. Losing a friend like them is not even a joke. Though I have new pets at home who received the same love as my late pets I still missed my long-lost pets. They might be gone long ago and forever, but the memory still lives on forever. They are still alive in my heart.

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