En el día mundial del perro me motivo a escribir la experiencia que he tenido con estos, ya que desde estamos en HIVE los temas que he compartido han sido desde que forme mi familia, pasando por el nacimiento y crecimiento de mis hijos, los aspectos laborales que he pasado últimamente, entre otros. Pero estos integrantes de la familia no dejan de ser importantes para nosotros. ![](

Cuando adquirimos nuestra casa en lo primero que pensamos Marbe (mi esposa) y yo fue tener un perrito, ya que al ver el lugar tipo campestre y un poco grande imaginamos que teníamos que deberíamos tener alguien que brindara un poco de seguridad, pues no nos equivocamos debido al que estar en casa intentaron entrar personas ajenas. Es aquí en donde le comentamos a una vecina y casualidad su Perra de raza lobo acababa de tener varios cachorritos; otorgándome uno para nuestro hogar y este le llamamos “DANKO”. Era peludo y con una carita encantadora, los 2 primeros meses teníamos que llevarlo a todos lados porque cuando quedaba solo en casa lloraba mucho y si salía a la calle por cualquier huequito. Era como tener un hijo pero sin tetero, nos trasnochaba mucho y debíamos estar pendiente de la vacuna, su comida a la hora.

Al pasar 3 meses llego a nosotros el “BOMBON”, a este lo trajo la abuela para que nos cuidara debido a que tenía un carácter fuerte a pesar de ser de corta edad. Ambos crecieron muchos y no dejaban que nadie entrara en casa; debíamos amarrarlos para poder recibir visitas. En ocasiones al abrir la puerta se escapaban y los vecinos por temor se metían a sus casas hasta que los atrapáramos, fueron momentos de mucha tensión pero divertidos de recordar.
Cuando llego Moises (nuestro hijo) a casa sentíamos mucho temor de que alguno de los dos pudiera atacarlo. Al bajar del carro DANKO olia al bebe y entraba a la casa cuando lloraba, su expresión era impresionante, es como si se preguntara ¿Quién es?, ¿Y que hace aquí?. Pasaba el tiempo y el niño crecía, cuando dormía en el patio aun lado de la cuna se sentaba DANKO y del otro lado BOMBON. Al despertar el niño DANKO corría de un lado a otro como llamando mi atención para que viera que el niño había despertado y debía cargarlo. Cuando Moises ya gateaba y buscaba salir al patio BOMBON ladraba, al principio nos asustamos creímos que era una forma de buscar atacar pero no, era alertándonos a estar pendientes. Transcurría el tiempo y la relación de estos dos 4 patas con él bebe eran como los hermanos mayores, lo cuidaban al caminar, alertaban al existir algún peligro, jugaban a la pelota e infinitas aventuras llenas de risa y un sentimiento que no se puede describir.
Misel (mi hija) no corrió con la misma suerte de conocer a DANKO y BOMBON, debido a que cuando Marbe estaba en estado de la bebe, estos peludos fallecieron. DANKO murió en octubre del 2018 y BOMBON en diciembre del mismo año, ambos les ataco una enfermedad que había en el ambiente, afectando sus pulmones; varios animalitos vecinos les ocurrió la misma situación.
Emocionalmente nos afectó mucho, tuvimos que buscar rápidamente quien los sustituyera, aunque Marbe aun llora a su DANKO porque era su consentido, se la pasaba acariciando su largo pelaje mientras el dormía. En enero 2019 cuando llego la NIÑA a casa (es como llamamos la actual mascota), Moises quería llevarlo a todos lados pero no podíamos porque era muy inquieta y hacia muchas travesuras, esta ha crecido junto a Misel y la experiencia es similar con la de DANKO y BOMBON.

Hace 6 meses llego la KIRA a nuestras vidas, pero pareciera que fuera el tercer hijo, sus travesuras son incomparables a la de los otros 3 perros, pero su compañía hace de nuestros días algo diferente. Con esto también queremos crear a nuestros hijos a su corta edad una porción de responsabilidad y vean que tener una mascota no es solo como compañía sino también genera compromiso al igual que un ser humano debido a que ellos sienten y dan amor a quien lo amerite.

Registro fotografico tomado desde mi celular



World Dog Day I was motivated to write the experience I have had with these dogs, since we are in HIVE the topics I have shared have been since I formed my family, through the birth and growth of my children, the work aspects that I have gone through lately, among others. But these family members are still important to us.

When we bought our house the first thing that Marbe (my wife) and I thought about was to have a dog, because when we saw the country style place and a little big we imagined that we had to have someone to provide a little security, well we were not wrong because when we were at home strangers tried to enter. It is here where we told a neighbor and by chance her wolf breed dog had just had several puppies; giving me one for our home and we called him "DANKO". He was hairy and with a lovely face, the first 2 months we had to take him everywhere because when he was alone at home he cried a lot and if he went out to the street for any little hole. It was like having a child but without a bottle, he would stay up all night and we had to be aware of the vaccines, his food on time.
After 3 months, "BOMBON" came to us, he was brought by his grandmother to take care of us because he had a strong character despite his young age. Both grew up a lot and did not let anyone enter the house; we had to tie them up to be able to receive visitors. Sometimes when we opened the door they would run away and the neighbors would go into their houses out of fear until we caught them, they were very tense moments but fun to remember.

When Moises (our son) arrived home we were very afraid that one of us might attack him. When DANKO got out of the car he would smell the baby and enter the house when he cried, his expression was impressive, it was as if he was asking himself: "Who is he, and what is he doing here? Time passed and the child grew, when he slept in the yard, DANKO sat on one side of the crib and BOMBON on the other side. When the child woke up, DANKO would run from one side to the other as if calling my attention so that I would see that the child had woken up and I had to carry him. When Moises was already crawling and looking to go out to the yard BOMBON barked, at first we were scared we thought it was a way to attack but no, it was alerting us to be vigilant. Time went by and the relationship of these two 4 legs with the baby were like big brothers, they took care of him while walking, alerted when there was any danger, played ball and infinite adventures full of laughter and a feeling that cannot be described.

Misel (my daughter) did not have the same luck to meet DANKO and BOMBON, because when Marbe was in the baby's state, these furry animals died. DANKO died in October 2018 and BOMBON in December of the same year, both were attacked by a disease that was in the environment, affecting their lungs; several neighboring animals had the same situation.
Emotionally it affected us a lot, we had to quickly look for someone to replace them, although Marbe still mourns her DANKO because he was her favorite, she would spend time caressing his long fur while he slept. In January 2019 when NIÑA came home (that's what we call the current pet), Moises wanted to take her everywhere but we couldn't because she was very restless and got into a lot of mischief, she has grown up with Misel and the experience is similar with DANKO and BOMBON.
Six months ago KIRA came into our lives, but it seems that she was the third child, her antics are incomparable to the other 3 dogs, but her company makes our days something different. With this we also want to create to our children at their young age a portion of responsibility and see that having a pet is not only as a companion but also generates commitment like a human being because they feel and give love to whoever deserves it.

Photographic record taken from my cell phone

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