An Anecdote About a Special Friend of Mine [ENG-ESP]


A big greeting to all, I want to share with you an anecdote about a special friend of mine. I hope you like it.

Un gran saludo a todos, quiero compartir con ustedes una anécdota sobre un amigo especial para mí. Espero que les guste.


Este gran amigo peludo llamado Peluso, es un gato que encontré por la zona urbana donde yo vivo. se encontraba vagando por las calles buscando algo para comer y agua, nadie le prestaba atención, su estado de salud era complicado, estaba delgado, sucio y tenías múltiples heridas en su cara y cuerpo. Para mi fue algo impactante estaba muy débil, al verlo de esa forma sentí que tenia que hacer algo por él.

This great furry friend named Peluso, is a cat that I found in the urban area where I live. He was wandering the streets looking for something to eat and water, nobody paid attention to him, his health condition was complicated, he was thin, dirty and had multiple wounds on his face and body. For me it was something shocking, he was very weak, seeing him like that I felt I had to do something for him.

Con prisa fui a mi casa que estaba a unas cuadras, recogí un poco de comida y agua potable para llevarle. Cuando llegue aun se encontraba en el mismo sitió como si estuviera esperándome. Sus ojos eran muy expresivos, reflejaban tristeza y soledad, procedí a darle de comer y que se pudiera hidratar. Para mi sorpresa comió tan rápido que realmente estaba hambriento, quien sabe cuántos días habrá tenido sin nada que comer.

I hurried to my house a few blocks away, picked up some food and drinking water to take to him. When I arrived he was still in the same place as if he was waiting for me. His eyes were very expressive, reflecting sadness and loneliness, I proceeded to feed him so he could hydrate. To my surprise he ate so fast, he was really hungry, who knows how many days he must have had nothing to eat.


Sabía que, si lo dejaba solo, capaz no podría recuperarse así que decidí llevarlo a casa conmigo, lo mantuve a escondida, por que en la casita donde vivo alquilada no aceptan animales. Pasamos días terribles, porque estuvo con fiebre y se alimentaba poco. Lo ayudaba con paños de agua fría sobre su cabeza, curaba sus heridas, manteniéndolo salvo y dándole mucho amor.

I knew that if I left him alone, he might not recover, so I decided to take him home with me, I kept him in hiding, because the house where I live rented does not accept animals. We spent terrible days, because he had a fever and he didn't eat much. I helped him with cold water cloths on his head, I treated his wounds, keeping him safe and giving him lots of love.

Poco a poco fue mejorando y me estaba preocupando porque no podría tenerlo viviendo conmigo, ya que eran reglas de los dueños. Hasta que un día logre conseguirle un mejor hogar, una pareja recién casada, les gusto la idea de adoptarlo y se los entregue, pero mas nunca volví a saber de ellos.

Little by little he was getting better and I was getting worried because I couldn't have him living with me, as they were the owners' rules. Until one day I managed to get him a better home, a newly married couple, they liked the idea of adopting him and I gave him to them, but I never heard from them again.



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Han pasado varios años y mi vida cambio, mejore en el trabajo logre mudarme a un mejor sitio y les cuento que encontré el amor en mi perro chulino, es mi compañero fiel, lea, su amor cada día me enseña la grandeza de los animales y la entrega que tienen a nuestra persona. Pero en ocasiones recuerdo a peluso lo extraño y espero que este super bien.

It has been several years and my life has changed, I got better at work, I managed to move to a better place and I tell you that I found love in my dog chulino, he is my faithful companion, read, his love every day teaches me the greatness of animals and the dedication they have to our person. But sometimes I remember Peluso, I miss him and I hope he is doing great.


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