[ENG/ESP] The beautiful eyes of my cat Kenga/ Los hermosos ojos de mi gata kenga.


Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will talk to you about the beautiful eyes of my cat Kenga, I started to observe her in detail and they impressed me.

She is very intelligent and has taught her children well, they still nurse from her and are very aware of them.

This afternoon he follows me throughout the garden and he misses my caresses, I spent several days away from home and I took the opportunity to give him a lot of love.

Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré sobre los bellos ojos de mi gata kenga, me puse a observarla detalladamente y me impresionaron.

Ella es muy inteligente y ha enseñado bien a sus hijos, todavia se amamantan de ella y los consiente mucho.

Hoy por la tarde me seguia por todo el jardín y es que extraña mis caricias, yo dure varios dias fuera de casa y aproveche a darle mucho amor.


Her eyes are green and I had not seen them in my old cats or those in the area, the black cat has yellow eyes.

It is incredible how she gave birth to a yellow kitten with blue eyes and the fact is that most of the genetics were provided by the father, we can observe it in animals.

If she is a little skinny, and this happens to all mothers when they breastfeed, maybe later she will have her vaccines and dewormers and she will be as good as new.

Sus ojos son de un color verde y es que no los habia visto en mis antiguos gatos o los de la zona, la gata negra los tiene amarillos.

Es increible como dió a luz un gatito amarillo de ojos azules y es que la mayoria de la genetica la aporto el padre, podemos observarlo en los animales.

Si está un poco flaca y esto le pasa a todas las madres cuando amamantan, igual mas adelante le va a tocar sus vacunas y desparasitantes y estará como nueva.



Cats have an incredible ability to sense emotions in people, so when we feel sad they come over and give us their love, they know the danger there may be.

As we raise a cat, it teaches us many things about them, it is up to us to know how to understand them and look for solutions.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

Los gatos tienen una increible habilidad para sentir las emociones en las personas, así que cuando nos sienten tristes se acercan y nos brindan su cariño, saben el peligro que puede haber.

A medida que criamos un gato este nos enseña muchas cosas sobre ellos, está en nosotros saber entenderlos y buscar soluciones.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.

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