My Cats and My Family 2

My Family Finally grown Loving our Cats which we never expected to love them this much. And never expected that we will be loosing her Soon.

Although we usually let her play Outside just to have the Fun of Exploring the area; But the sad moment was when Our Kitten went on a tour around our neighborhood one of our neighbors who also had that Mentality of Cats as Witches got so scared seeing the cats at her doorstep and with annoyance she hit the cat so bad that it almost killed it at the moment.
A picture of Our Newly Birth Kitten

The Kitten was hit so bad that she could barely walk, if she had known that day was to be a bad day I guess she wouldn't have step a foot outside but what does she know.

When My Mom came back from her trade that day hearing of what had happened to her kitten, with all anger she went to our neighbor and poured her anger on her on why she would do such a thing, although it wasn't intentional.

But if though it was out of Fear there should be a level your fear can take you to; not to the extent of almost killing the kitten; at least there's common sense, one or two hits would do; not continuous, it only reveals hate for the Kitten not only fear.

Although We did the best we could do that evening to take care of the kitten because it was late, and the next morning my mom directed us that we get the cat to the vet clinic for treatment the doctors did all they could do but it was already too late when the head is cut off. Unfortunately we lost the cat that very day. It really pained my mom and even us the kids because she has really gotten really close to the Kitten but then nothing else we could do but to mourn our Loss.

You could imagine our Neighbour who killed Our Cat didn't even show any bit of remorse for killing the cat, she later went saying that is it not the cat who came to her house?? what would she had down. She didn't tell the cat to Come to her house and that she got what she deserved. How painful were these words when she opened her mouth saying them.
Sleeping Time and Milking time as well for our Kitten

But then the Interesting part was that My Mom who once hated Cats was now searching for a cat to replace our Juliet cause that was the name we gave her. My mom got where she could buy a Cat but then she didn't only Buy a Cat but bought Cats and the house that night was filled with excitement and Joy.

We didn't only enjoy the moment of we having to house them all in our house we also enjoyed the moment of we having several of them and in different colours and also living with them at peace with My Mom.

Cats are just so unique creatures next time I would tell you what I love about them and why you have one as well. I hope you enjoyed reading about My Cats and My Family

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