I no longer undertand how to describe my feeling !!! My childhood dream has finally come into the reality !!! Im literally shaking when this buddy right here arrived at my door. I know it so sunlucky for me to got this animal at 2 am so I don't really has the power to take the picture him inside the box. But I guess you guys know me right ??? I mean Im the Reptile dude in the #hivepets community.. Come on you surely know me right ??

what a miserable guy.. I know hahaha.

So long story short after I received the Tortoise I bask him only 10 minutes with electrolyte I just straight back to my bed. I was exhausted yesterday, I guess I really have to consider to quit smoking for good. That thing made us relax but also made our body gets tired so fast.


                                             (Astrochelys Radiata)

Boom boom boom boom boom (the drumroll ringing) the marching band music on high volume and........


One of the most beautifull creature on earth !!! one of the longgest lifespan creature !!! and the last creature that held Dinosaurs DNA so strongggg (after crocodile offcourse) !!! Originated from Madagascar Africa and also one of the MOST EXPENSIVE ANIMAL that ever exist on the legal market !!!

This felt like dream come true at the first. Offcourse after countless reconsideration to have such animal like this I have to prepare so many thing including the food and care (preventif and repressive) and so many thing others. Yes the legality come in handy especially these days I do so many interaction with the goverment people.

LOOK @yolimarag @blessed-girl , I really happy to infrom this.. Well honestly I want to show off lil bit, especially you two are my good hive friend🙏

Anyway compare to my Indian star this one considerbly way more strongger in terms of durabilty toward the circumtances and also as far as my knowledge Radiated tortoise did not produce urates (correct me if I was wrong) so I dont think I have to worry about this one.

The radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) also a forest Tortoise not a dessert Tortoise so we able to give them little bit fruit on his diet. Offcourse most of a diesase such as pyramiding still considered fatal for this one but I guess under my watch this one will stay healthy.



These two are a complete sight for you guys if maybe one of you asking the total look of the Tortoises. I personally think this guy have a round body compare the other one that the seller offer to me. I also don't really care about body or the color or the pattern or whatever it is, I think that kind of stigma are simply made by the market to boost up the price. For me as long as they healthy I don't really have any other complain.

Im here not trying to blame you guys that have these spesific need about reptile. Some of you want or expect the reptile has more color has more or less body part or whatever it is that happening right now. I don't think you straightly wrong about how you put "rate" on something that you want to buy, but if I may I want you guys to know that you guys become a commodity for those who dont really care about the animal itself. For the seller Im not doing any accusation but I hope you treat every animal in the same and propher way.


For you guys that might have curiosity for the legal or anything I just want you to know I have the legit paper signed, stamped by goverment for the animal. I know the traffic still happening but I guess that kind of stupid considering the penalty WAAAYYYYYYY harder than the price of the animal itself, so I want you guys toknow Im not playing around.

Again if I may to conduct little bit information to you guys, in Indonesia so many people has this kind of animal without paper because of they breed themself the baby Tortoise and for the legal permission is kind of complicated so SOME OF THE EXOTIC animals on the market flying around without paper, but in a way the animal traffic still happening but decrease in the great number thanks to the International Animal Law.


Here I give you little bit extra sight for the Tortoise, I dont think put them in too many picture for too many angle going to make his post look good, so I guess this might help little bit for the visualization. This morning I do a morning routine to put them in bath I use soft baby tootbrush to cleaning up the shell and also I use my reptile soap to do it so I guess this far everything was smooth.

For you guys who don't know this Radiated Tortoise is kind of a grass cutting machine, they always eat. No matter what kind of green you give they will eat it immediatly. Thats why in the art of keeping radiated Tortoise the keeper has to have a good knowledge about how to feed and when to feed and also what kind of food. I personally never suggest you guys to buy radiated tortoise as your first Tortoise even this is one of the stronggest Tortoise that available in the market.




PLEASE GUYS I WANT YOU TO KNOW THERE IS SO MANY ONLINE MARKET THAT WILL DO SCAM WITHOUT HESITATE IN YOUR FACE. My friend J.C (I cant tell the name) just pretty upset and so stressed about his purchased, he literally walk into a trap and now he suffocating with regrets.

If I may give you a hint or sign of scammers they going to be like this :

  1. They never allow you to do videocall
  2. They 100% let you use third party for the payment but they will pro long the "shipment" with so many bullshit that sounds reasonable
  3. They always bitchy if you asking for specific data
  4. They come with the site that has bad review number from the reviewer / ex-buyer

So I wish you guys be wise about this and also have a ton of research before you make a move.


Right now my family almost full (I still want to adopt 4 of them again) the step of the filling this family into a big and huge reptile-family-friendly is getting into a real deal realisation I guess. I really am a happy person right now, my childhood dream come true and I feeling the vibes getting strongger day by day.

I don't know guys, but somehow I feel like this happiness adds so many strength into my body. Yes I have to work harder for the result or for the best of my focus but heyy.. I feel like it dodesnt matter if I have to worker harder for this. Perhaps, you should fulfill your dreams too and fight for it and then I believe you going to mention me on your post.

Thankyou guys !!!
Hope you like it !!!


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