Ok Im not going to bomb you with another influencial Tortoise care this time. I dont think neceseraly means I won't make it any but this time just a simply happy toast about SOON-TOBE-A-NEW-MEMBER-OF-MY-FAMILY. Have you ever felt this way before feels like the climate about to change, like we can absorbs so many punch and hit multiple time at the same time, feels like invincible.. Ya right ??? when you happy as heaven I think we all agree we can see rainbow even in the bathroom that stinks like hell's pit. I don't know man this might sound so childish but in certain way Animal better than human you know.. Allright to much blablablabla..

Here it goes !!!


WOAHHH !!! Radiated Tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) originated from Madagascar, Afrika. Well offcourse Im not going to buy this adult one, what am I ??? Bank Robber ??? because this one is expensive as HELLLL, almost $2690 each. How the hell I can afford that , plus for me I don't think I have to buy the adults instead of the baby. What Im trying to say is its better for me to have achieve the personal memories so I can fully consider him/her as a real new member of family in this case. I dont think it was wrong to buy the adult especially if you narrative guide you to become a breeder, or you just looking for the mate for the current Tortoise you already had.


I don't know why the breeder gave me this kind of photo, I bought him online in tortoisetown. If you really experience to buy in this store before please let me know.
WELL I really dont know what the gender or the sex it would be, but I prefer him in this post, please dont mad for that
So I took my credit card and so on and so on and finally put him into my bag or stroll or whatever it was. I bought one oversea in this web and another one from the local, both of them come with legal paper and microchip. Just my personal advice guys, don't buy the illegal one.. doesn't mean its not healthy or disabled it just simply wrong. How do we know if it's not contraband or stolen? as simple as that. Plus that thing would've considered as a crime and jailtime for that is not worthed AT ALL.


Lcuky for me the breeder knows how to keep it in habitat or at least mimicking the habitat. For you guys who new in this Tortoise world there was a debate untill now about how to mimic the habitat or enclosure might have been a bad idea considering the bacteria is massive because of the soil mixed with fertilizer. Some people consider a clean synthetic subtrate "mat-rubber" kind of type to keep them hygiene SUCH AS ME @blessed-girl . I saw so many people NOT BY INTENTION make this kind of mistake, BY THAT Im not saying a soil based substrate are wrong it just simply need more maintanance compared to the clean synthetic one, maybe Im going to talk about this in another post.


This one is Hibiscus leave and especially for this kind YOU HAVE TO MANAGE THEIR FOOD because this one going to eat everything and have this Conery slap mentality. If you don't manage it good it will have Pyramiding diesease, technically Radiata and Aldabra is grass cutting machine guyss.

OH YA, I bought that little one in the left corner , so cuteeeeeeeeee doesn't it. The guy told me he so active. Please help me to find the name for him @graceshelbyy .


The specialty of this Tortoise they can do what it called "RAIN-DANCE" its like when you sprinkle them or put the under the rain they will stand up tall embracing it. The middle one come next moth I guess if my money does add up with the situation, but clearly im fighting for it. This one radiated Tortoise is pretty endanger you know !!! apendix 1 thats why you hand-fully commit to a crime if you buy this illegaly, plus guys come one... YES you got it cheaperbut it will damage them deeply especially for the colony.


Maybe it sounds hypocrite to gather this kind of pep-talk but I myself having it as a pet. Remember guys, this one I buy is HATCHLING means born out of the egg incubator not taken from the wild, they have legal system on it that is written as PRESERVATION. Clearly I bought this with the conditional love , I dont hand pick them and say the breeder I specificly want this one because of the Yellow shine like Korea. The south one.


And this the photo of them eating the food. I do believe it was a Mazuri Pellets from the look. Look how cute they rambling for the food, even if you don't know Tortoises you defintely can tell this was cute momment right..??! and if not... THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR SOUL !!!! LOL KIDDING. I really appreciate the love for these guys who really protect the border from the animal traffic, they really put their life in danger for that. If you willingly to know how bad the situation was , you can checked the Internet to see the situation. If Im not mistaken there was about 20.000 Radiated tortoise about to sell darkly and silently by the smuggler and they simply put the stock at the SUPER INPHROPHER HOUSE and it simply disgust me just for reading it.


If I may ask you guys (check my recent post about my star Tortoise) which one btter in matter of looks. I know it depends of the taste of the personal opinion or simply the curve or whatever, but I just want to know.. please let me see your thought in the comment below.

Oh ya guys, this one (Radiated Tortoise) recorded to reach 180 years so I guess this is one is lifetime buddy. So incase you guys really want to have undefeated pet that even long last longger than you 5 years old child life span, this might be a good option. Imagine the neighbor or your son teacher asking the question like "How many pet do you have matthew ? " Matthew goes like "1 mam, actually even from my grandfather we only have 1 pet... pass through the family member like a trophy.. and its 1116 years old now" and her face going to be 😵 for staright 3 second. HAHAHA


They natively a forest Tortoise not a dessert type, so fog and humid little bit affect their behaviour. I think if you asking me what the best Tortoise for the beginner, Im not going to say Indian Star Tortoise , but I definetely going to recommend Radiata if it match with yur pocket, but if you have limit budget for the Tortoise I go by Red foot Tortoise.

Here is the tips
If you looking for endurance Tortoise and you dont care about the money just simply the looks and endurance please go by Radiated Tortoise. If you want the best endurance go with Aldabra Tortoise. If you want the looks, the endurance, but with mediocre money go with Burmese star Tortoise. If you in expert mode want the looks and have the money and already had this knowledge about Tortoises go with Indian or Sri Lankan Tortoise.

I guess thats the tips, thats my story of a new member of the family, and also thats the slight picture of them. Please don't hesitate to call me for tips or help or simply chat, I always open for that and I also so happy if yoou guys want to respond this post..



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