Visited A Veterinary Clinic.

A warm greetings to all fellow animal lovers out there. How's your budget for your fur babies? For sure you'll gonna scratch your head again when the said date for the vaccines or deworming schedules for your babies is almost near.


This morning, my cousin chatted me if I'm free, I'm done with the things to do here so I said yes. I asked him what's the matter and he said that if possible I will accompany him to the vet for the deworming of his fur babies.

Her dog gave birth to five cute puppies and since it has a breed, they need to be vaccinated and deworming schedules. Today is the said date for the deworming and I can really tell from the face of my cousin that it will cost him again alot. Well that's the life of being a fur parents. You can't gamble the health of your pets. If you have budget then go for it. If none then look for free services out there.
I know there's a lot of Vet clinics who do free deworming and vaccines plus anti-rabbies. You just need to find them or stay updated.

Speaking of free services like that, when we're on our way home after the treatment with the puppies, we passed by at the barangay hall near the clinic we visited and there's one vet clinic present doing free deworming.
My cousin was very down because he just missed the free opportunity that will lessen his expenses but what can we do, everything was done already.hihi. I feel sorry for him huhu.

Going back to the fur babies, here they are and I can't take good shots because they are very lively and want to go out of the crate.



Their treatment was done in less than an hour and it cost my cousin 2,000 pesos, 400 pesos each. In my mind, with that kind of amount I can already buy 50 kilos of rice huhu.
Well it's not a problem to my cousin because he's a professional and earning a decent salary. Despite that he still worry about the state of his wallet when they grow big already.

I just comforted him by telling that his fur babies are cute and can relieve his stress from work. He just laughed and said "Let it be, that's life."

As for the first photo you can notice the dog that's half asleep in that cage. Well that's the pet of the client next in line to us. His case was to undergo treatment with his teeth. Cleaning will be done to him and turning back the shiny white color of his teeth.

I didn't witness the whole process because we went out a little bit to buy food and returned immediately. When we came back, the process was already done so I just asked permission from the resident doctor if I can take the photo posted in his page.
Here's the photo.


As you can see there's a big change on his teeth. I know this kind of treatment is expensive so I didn't bother asking anymore.

Another photo of Ogie(name of that dog) when he's already awake.


A little bit shocked to see people haha. Well he's not that aggressive and I was able to touch his head. I was very happy about that really.

As fo my pets I'm just glad that they're not getting sick but I'm planning to buy them some dog and cat foods to make sure they are healthy.

Meeting those fur babies really made my day and set the mood of my life as if it's sunny but in fact it's raining the whole day.

Let's love them as they love us unconditionally.

Thank you for reading.🐶

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