Minina un nuevo integrante a la familia😍😺//Minina a new member of the family😍😺[Esp-Eng]


Hola, amigos, espero y se encuentren muy bien, yo me encuentro feliz porque tenemos un nuevo integrante en mi hogar, se trata de un lindo gato, bebe, les cuento, yo estaba en mi casa y mi esposo llegó de imprevisto y me dice adivina lo que te traje jaja yo me puse de todos colores luego me mostró un hermoso gatico chiquito yo me emocione mucho.

Cuando era tan solo una niña, siempre había deseado tener uno, y ahora que estoy grande, se me cumplió el sueño.

Hello, friends, I hope you are very well, I am happy because we have a new member in my home, it is a cute cat, baby, I tell you, I was in my house and my husband arrived unexpectedly and said guess what I brought you haha I got all colorful then he showed me a beautiful little kitten and I was very excited.

When I was just a little girl, I had always wanted to have one, and now that I am grown up, my dream has come true.


Estaba un poco asustado, yo empecé a acariciarlo hasta que entrara en confianza, le pusimos por nombre "minina" jaja aunque la verdad suena más como un nombre de hembra, pero a mí me gustó mucho llamarlo a sí.

Después de un rato, entró en confianza y empezó a jugar conmigo. Es tan tierno.

Mi esposo me contó que su antigua dueña estaba muy triste por haberlo regalado, pero se quedó muy tranquila porque estaría en buenas manos.

Resulta que ella tiene una gata y parió muchos gatitos, esperó a que ellos mismos abrieran sus ojitos y comieran por sí solos para poderlos dar en adopción a personas que los cuidaran y fueran responsables, y unos de esos fuimos nosotros, realmente nos alegró.

Mañana vendrá a casa un amigo de mi esposo que es veterinario, y nos pondrá al tanto de cómo se encuentra nuestro gato, o si le hace falta algo. De mi parte, yo lo veo muy sano, pero no está de más hacerle un pequeño chequeo.

He was a little scared, I started to pet him until he became confident, we named him "minina" haha although it sounds more like a female name, but I really liked to call him "minina".

After a while, he became confident and started to play with me. He is so cute.

My husband told me that his former owner was very sad to give him away, but she was very calm because he would be in good hands.

It turns out that she has a cat and she gave birth to many kittens, she waited for them to open their eyes and eat on their own so she could give them up for adoption to people who would take care of them and be responsible, and one of those was us, we were really happy.

Tomorrow a friend of my husband's who is a veterinarian is coming home, and he will update us on how our cat is doing, or if he needs anything. From my side, he looks very healthy to me, but it doesn't hurt to give him a little check-up.


Le di su comidita, luego de un rato lo bañé, hasta dejarlo limpiecito. Hasta me daba la impresión de que le gustaba el agua, yo quedé asombrada, pero tuve que hacerlo rápido porque tenía frío.

I gave him his food, and after a while I bathed him until he was clean. He even gave me the impression that he liked the water, I was amazed, but I had to do it quickly because he was cold.


Lo único que deseo es brindarle todo el amor que se merece y cuidarlo mucho, minina es muy travieso y juguetón, me divierte porque con cualquier cosa se entretiene, cuando me puse a barrer el piso de mi casa se le pegaba atrás a la escoba galoneando con sus delicadas patitas, me enamore sin razón alguna.

Tenerlo ahora es estar pendiente de él las 24 horas, pero eso para mí no es molestia alguna, más bien. Me gusta mucho, minina aún es un bebé gatito. Le digo misu misu y viene corriendo hacia mí; su carita tan delicada me causa ternura.

The only thing I want is to give him all the love he deserves and take good care of him, minina is very naughty and playful, he amuses me because with anything he entertains himself, when I started to sweep the floor of my house he would stick behind the broom galloping with his delicate little paws, I fell in love for no reason.

To have him now is to be watching him 24 hours a day, but that is not a bother for me, it's more like a nuisance. I like him a lot, minina is still a baby kitten. I call him misu misu and he comes running towards me; his delicate little face makes me feel so tender.


Ahora en mi casa tengo dos hermosos bebe de quién tengo que estar muy pendiente, uno es mi perrito boleta José y mi gatico Minina, solo espero que se las lleven muy bien, aunque boleta es un perrito muy cariñoso estoy muy segura que los dos se adaptarán muy rápido, y se darán amor como unos hermanitos.

Y bueno amigos, hoy fue una linda tarde de fotografías junto al nuevo miembro de mi hogar, tanto como a minina y a mí nos encantan las fotos.

Gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí, les deseo una linda noche. Nos vemos en la próxima.

Dios los bendiga grandemente ✨❤️

Now in my house I have two beautiful babies of whom I have to be very attentive, one is my doggy Boleta José and my kitty Minina, I just hope they get along very well, although Boleta is a very affectionate doggy I am very sure that both will adapt very quickly, and will give each other love like little brothers.

And well friends, today was a nice afternoon of pictures with the new member of my home, as much as minina and I love pictures.

Thanks for making it this far, I wish you a nice evening. See you next time.

God bless you greatly ✨❤️

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