
This is Buster. He was a pure-bred Maltese that we rescued from a friend who was giving him up. We always thought that Buster talked. He didn’t bark to ask for things, he made noises that’s like a cross between a whine and a whimper and he would point at things or respond in this manner when you talk to him. He was very smart and very affectionate, giving nonstop kisses to anyone who would let him.

Late last year, when he was about 16, he hurt his hip. He always acted like a puppy and would jump off of things and I guess he landed wrong. He was in a lot of pain and that was when things started going downhill. He had arthritis and he had heart issues that he needed meds for. He needed a special diet and we couldn’t let him sleep with us on the bed anymore. But through it all, he remained good-natured and happy, limping to greet us at the door whenever we got home and snuggling with us while we watched tv.

So why am I writing this now? I guess it’s my way of coming to terms with his death. I don’t think I properly grieved him because I had to be strong for my daughter. I couldn’t let her see me cry too much about it because she cried too. I had to be the comfort that she needed, telling her that our buddy was in a good place and that we’ll meet him again in the end. I told her that he’s in a better place because he wasn’t in pain anymore and he could freely run and play without any worries. But I guess I never got the comfort I needed because I was busy trying to be strong. I never asked for it and I never showed the need for it. That’s on me.

I also am writing this because I wanted to immortalize his memory and give tribute to our sweet and loyal friend. He gave us so much joy and I hope that we were able to give him the best life he deserved. It’s bittersweet, really, because we all miss him. We miss the sounds he made and the nonstop kisses he would give us. He was very special to us and I’d like to believe that we were special to him too. So I chose this picture of him with this tribute because it showed him smiling and happy, just like how we love to remember him. And no matter how old he got, he was our little baby, to the very end.

Buster, we miss you buddy! We always will. Your place in our hearts will always be there. And we are so grateful to have had the privilege to have you in our lives. Thank you.

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