Things your dog should never eat

Hello hivers
Let's begin
We as humans are food explorers, we like to tryout a whole lot of fun cooking methods, recipes and sometimes even new type of meat. Well... In our lifelong diet exploration, our dogs are safest sticking to their domestic canine menu if you want to still have a health and happy well lived pet. On this little chat, I'll talk about a few of the foods our dogs should never be allowed close to.

Of course, milk is a very pleasant food to take for us human, but the twist here is most dogs are lactose intolerant, it's applicable in cheese and yoghurts. Dogs do not have lactose enzymes like we do, so an intake of such things would lead to indigestion and stomach issues.

We all love chocolate don't we?. Never ever give your dog chocolate. Theobromine is a substance similar to caffeine in chocolate, they'll get poisoned if they eat chocolates or any food that has caffeine. I repeat, don't chocolate your dogs.

You might see you dog begging beside you for some crumbs while you're baking in the kitchen. On no account should you give your dog dough. Yeast rises with the increase in temperature, can't think of a warmer place than your dog's belly for that. Your dog is likely to suffer severe blotting and dehydration before succumbing to a painful demise.

There are other foods which aren't in this list due to the resources given here to write. You can learn about them on your own and save your pets. I hope this taught you something.

Photos from this post were gotten from Pintrest.

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