My Dear Luna

Hello #hivepets community I bring you the story of luna my beautiful kitten this beautiful animal came into my life by chance which is not the same as chance, yes I went out to do some shopping near my house when I noticed a man of at least 55 to 65 years sitting outside his house with a lot of cats and I had more than a year thinking about adopting one as I consider interesting and tender these beautiful animals of the feline breed scientifically called ( felis catus ) here I leave the link for you to investigate.

Anyway, I walked to the house where the man was sitting and asked him if all the cats were his and if I could adopt one of them. He looked me up and down and noticed that I am not bad with animals and let me choose first I saw a male but when I tried to grab him he jumped out of my arms he was super cute yellow with white fur I wanted him but as I had previously researched cats choose their humans not humans choose cats then I saw my fluffy kitten I wanted him but as I had previously researched cats choose their humans not humans choose their cats. then I saw my little furry one and I grabbed her at first she got a little surly but after a few minutes she calmed down the man told me she is the one and I was happier than a kid eating candy I left the house and went and bought my things and went home with my new ( daughter ) hehehehe yes she is my daughter well I gave her food she sleeps with me and she is a blessing my moon my moon is the one. She sleeps with me and she is a blessing my beautiful moon and when I said before that it was causality and not chance because if I had not gone out to do the shopping I would not have found my moon chance does not exist it is only cause and effect and every day when I give love to my little furry she gives me back her love and in the same way...



but my baby kitty is kinda.. "sifrina" (spoiled) and when I try to make a video or take a picture of her, I it's gives me the back or puts a look that kills you, in these days slept with me and I woke up late at about 10 a.m. or so and the very shameless did not woke up and about 2 hour almost later the very sleepy one wakes up and with a fuss for food and I πŸ˜’ ( ok here is your food ) to no the girl wanted what I was eating eggs with ham and bread toast of course what she wanted is ham, well as I was not paying attention to her the very shameless girl jumped on the table and I down moon down and went to her platico to eat but as I scolded her she spent almost all day without giving me love and I well I was in my work stuff so I was not bitter when the night came, there god the girl with the drama and the "morision", she started to meow to let her into the room, then she climbed on the bed and looked at me with eyes like ( and you don't plan to give me love mom, I have to come and beg you for love, affection, affection, when you are the one who has to hug me and cuddle me, tell me mom ) and I was there god a little bit more and she talked to me, well i researched that cats are temperamental and have a somewhat different personality of course my luna is very different because she is mine 😻😻😻😻😊😊😊😊 and i am a unique woman and as such it was normal for me to choose a kitty just as unique thank god for this blessing he gave me with luna de truly who has a cat or any pet research about them so you will know what to do when they have a problem because even animals have their emotional ups and downs and you have to understand them and research a lot and if you still don't know what to do go to an animal specialist (veterinarian).

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