Adios "Bonito" mi rayito de luz 💔|Bye "Bonito" my little ray of light 💔

Escribir este post es muy doloroso, lo hago con lágrimas en mis ojos.

Le digo adiós a mi “Bonito” ese gatito que llegó a nuestras vidas de una manera mágica, quien con su presencia nos iluminó la vida, nos sacó una sonrisa, lo amaremos siempre y será nuestro ángel donde sea que esté. 💔

Gracias te doy desde lo más profundo de mi corazón, con un amor tan grande como el dolor que siento, gracias porque tú le diste amor a mi familia.

Todos sabíamos cuando llegabas a la casa porque hacías un escándalo, jajaja, maullando y paseando por toda la casa, para que saliéramos a saludarte; cuando alguna de mis hijas no salía, te ibas hasta la puerta de su cuanto a llamarla.

Nos acostumbraste a abrir la puerta tempranito, porque sabíamos que allí estarías esperándonos.

Eras el gato mejor portado del mundo, no te subías en los mesones de la cocina, no entrabas en los gabinetes, esperabas siempre que te sirviéramos en tu plato y nunca molestaste cuando estábamos comiendo.

Eso sí, te volvías loquito cuando yo estaba cocinando y preparaba los aliños, el olor a ajo te gustaba, eras un gato sopero jejeje, así te decíamos, porque te despertabas apenas olías las sopas.

Jugando con tu mami

Tu lugar favorito era el cuarto de mi hija @Tsunsica, cuando tenías frío, cuando llegabas de una noche de peleas, cuando querías que te cargaran y consintieran, pasabas directo a su cuarto y te subías a su regazo. Claro, tú sabías que ella te aceptaba encantada y tú ronroneabas hasta dormirte.

Esta es tu primera herida de guerra 😿

Yo voy a extrañar tus ojos hermosos, observándome por la ventana de la cocina, yo hablándote con mimos y tú maullando en respuestas.

Fuiste un gato libre, ya que vivimos rodeados de naturaleza y no te íbamos a privar de disfrutar de ella. Sabíamos que de tanto ir y venir, pues algo te podía pasar, pero no esperábamos que fuese tan pronto.

Mi compañero, siempre a mi lado mientras estaba haciendo alguna cosa en casa, al arreglar las plantas, colocar la navidad, cocinar, siempre conmigo.

Supongo que te pico un animal, te dio tiempo de llegar a casa y acostarte para siempre en tu cesta. Nos diste la oportunidad de despedirnos.

Fueron dos años y dos meses disfrutando de tu compañía, de tus buenas vibras. Te vamos a extrañar mucho y siempre estarás en nuestros corazones.


Writing this post is very painful, I do it with tears in my eyes.

I say goodbye to my “Bonito” that kitty that came into our lives in a magical way, who with his presence illuminated our lives, brought a smile to our faces, we will love him forever and he will be our angel wherever he is.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, with a love as big as the pain I feel, thank you because you gave love to my family.

We all knew when you came home because you made a fuss, hahaha, meowing and walking around the house, so that we would come out to greet you; when one of my daughters did not go out, you went to the door of her room to call her.

You got us used to open the door early, because we knew you would be there waiting for us.

You were the best behaved cat in the world, you didn't climb on the kitchen counters, you didn't go into the cabinets, you always waited for us to serve you in your plate and you never bothered us when we were eating.

Of course, you were crazy when I was cooking and preparing the seasonings, you liked the smell of garlic, you were a soup cat hehehehe, that's what we called you, because you woke up as soon as you smelled the soups.

Your favorite place was my daughter Tsunsica's room, when you were cold, when you came back from a night of fights, when you wanted to be carried and pampered, you went straight to her room and climbed on her lap. Of course, you knew she would gladly accept you and you would purr yourself to sleep.

I will miss your beautiful eyes, watching me through the kitchen window, me talking to you with cuddles and you meowing in response.

You were a free cat, since we lived surrounded by nature and we were not going to deprive you of enjoying it. We knew that with so much coming and going, something could happen to you, but we didn't expect it to be so soon.

My companion, always by my side while I was doing something at home, arranging the plants, putting up the Christmas decorations, cooking, always with me.

I guess you were bitten by an animal, gave you time to get home and lay forever in your basket. You gave us the opportunity to say goodbye.

It was two years and two months enjoying your company, your good vibes. We will miss you very much and you will always be in our hearts.

Si tú eres feliz, los que estén a tu lado también lo serán
If you are happy, those around you will also be happy

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