New year, Mew me


Happy new year everyone!

Our 2023 is doing great so far with a new addition to the family. :D


His name is Mew, he's a 4 month old Persian cat. He's color is gray with some stripe patterns on his face and belly.

I think it's obvious who named him. :P


One day, we were at the mall and had to stop in front of a pet shop cos I needed to go to the bathroom which was beside it. We saw this cute little cat watching a dog eat his food and he looked so sad cos his bowl was empty. I had to run to the bathroom and when I came back, @acidyo was asking if we can take him.

I was a bit surprised with this question since we really aren't planning on getting another pet considering moving is really a hassle and very stressful for both humans and pets. Besides, keeping a pet is a long term commitment.

I realized he was serious so we asked about the cat.


His face looks like he been so sad his whole life

I asked Acid on what came to his mind while I was gone since this is a really big decision we're talking about.

He said that the cat started staring at him for 10 seconds and his heart just melted. xD It's like as if the cat was communicating to him telepathically to "take me home plz sir :<".


We went home to take some time before making a decision. I couldn't stop thinking about the cat as he looked so cute and sad. xD We were thinking he probably was sad even more now that he has to spend the night in the cage. :<

Even though things would be quite a bit complicated since we plan on moving, we decided we're gonna get him. Acid felt an instant connection to the cat and I won't let some circumstances stop him from taking him home.

So the next day I went back to the mall to buy groceries and brought a cat carrier-backpack with me. Since we planned on getting him the day after that, I decided to just get him during that time to surprise Acid. He was still sleeping at that time so he didn't see me leave with a carrier lol.


Acid woke up with a cat beside him. :D


Tbh I didn't know anything about Persian cats and I had to research on how to take care of them properly. Apparently you have to brush them often cos their fur can get matted quick. He's such a sweet and chill cat. He wasn't even afraid when I carried him in the cat backpack and even seeing people or cars while inside.


He was very shy the first day we got him. Even his meows don't even make a sound. I would leave him in my room with his own litter box and food bowl and he wouldn't freak out or anything when left alone.

He is also very cuddly. He is very okay with being picked up and carried like a baby and lets you touch his belly too. :D



He got spoiled quick tho. XDD Nowadays, the second I open the door he would sprint and go downstairs like he just escaped prison. He's talkative now especially before I open the door. It's like he's not even asking for food or for us to open the door anymore, he demands it.


The funny thing about this was initially we thought he's a girl cos that's what the shop told us. A few hours of him at home, Acid notices his balls and I was like "that's just the fur" but I didn't really look closely since I assume the shop knew exactly what they were doing.

About a day after, I was brushing his fur when I noticed his pee hole is in a position of a male cat. Omg he's a boy! Those were balls after all.

We went back to the shop to tell them he's a male cat and wanted to confirm if we got the right health card since it says female there and the vet can't make a mistake on that. They checked and said it was fine since he and his siblings were vaccinated at the same time anyway. They apologized for the mistake and we said we're not giving him back tho. :p


Of course Ethan was also as excited as we were. At first, Mew was scared of him since he's a big dog but a day after he was cool with him. Now Mew rubs his face against Ethan's nose. :D But we still have to be careful considering Ethan acts like he's a chihuahua, he thinks he's small so he's not very careful around kids or kittens. Mew's so smol atm so we have to have a close look at them.


Finally Ethan's first friend! :3


He also sleeps with us on the bed.

Positioning him was a bit tricky since he's small and fragile and Acid moves a lot while sleeping. xD He can't sleep in between us cos there's a risk of being squished so we placed him on the top part of the bed where my head was supposed to be on (not the one on the pic). I had to move a bit down and it's just enough for my feet to be at the edge of the bed. To make it simple, he's the first one Acid sees when he wakes up in the morning.


Thankfully, he understood fast that that was his place during bedtime. I wake up a lot of times during the night so I have a lot of opportunities to check on him. He would usually just stay on his place but there were times I saw him move to my leg area or between me and Acid so I have to move him back to his place.

He would also wake me up at 4am by brushing his fur on my face so I could take him to his room to eat. :p

The other cats don't like him as well and would hiss at him, not sure because they just don't like anyone or just because he's a male. :D Hopefully soon they will all be friends with each other so they can play together.

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