Ethan donated blood today - the goodest boi hero


The other day, I saw a post on Facebook (yes I still have it for reasons xD) that a doggo needs a blood donor urgently because she has a tick fever and is very anemic. I wanted Ethan to donate blood since I learned that they can but he was too young back then but now he's already 1 year old, I immediately messaged the veterinary hospital if he's qualified since he just turned one.

In order for a doggo to be a blood donor, they need to be 1 year old and above, at least 20 kilos, healthy, and with complete vaccinations. He has them all (he's 29 kilos) so we went to the clinic as soon as we can.


We arrived there at about 10 am and they were already expecting us since I already messaged them beforehand. This hospital is new (like 2 months I think) and it was not surprising that there were a lot of patients coming in so we had to wait before they can accommodate us. There were also emergencies so it was really okay for us to wait since ours is not urgent anyway. Ethan patiently waited for about 2 hours.

They took a CBC test to make sure he's healthy and that he's okay to donate.


Once everything was okay and healthy, they started to inject the sedative. Then they took him upstairs where the surgery room was located.

After what seemed like 20 minutes, they were already done and they took him downstairs. I didn't know it would be this fast lol although I assume they waited a few minutes to let him rest too before letting him stand.


I wasn't there to look but I was told he was behaved and handled it like a champ. He probably didn't know what happened or why he was even there lol but he's always been well-behaved with procedures or anything that I do (brushing him, cleaning his ears, etc) so I guess he got used to that. He would complain a bit by making a sound like a groan but would sit or lie down still anyway lol.


I also had them check the location of his testes through ultrasound since he needs it for neutering. His are definitely in his abdomen and didn't come down. :/

After that I let them check his ears because I think the amount of wax weren't normal "anymore". Apparently he has Otitis Externa and when they asked when it started, I already noticed the black or dark red earwax since he was 4 months old but I didn't know about what is normal or not. :/ So yeah he had it all along and which is why he has been scratching it and sometimes have smells.

They gave him prescription and he's now taking medicine for itch relief and ear drops for the infection.


Photos from Davao Emergency Veterinary Hospital

I wish I could let him know that what we did there was to save another dog's life. Or he would understand the word ''hero''. But I guess he can somehow feel the positive energy from us and I guess that's enough lol.

Everyone was thankful there and called him a hero and a savior. The owner of the dog that needed help also was also coming over to thank me personally but we already went home by the time she arrived there so she called me on the phone instead.

When we went home he just slept the whole day and right now he's back to normal. I will make sure to give him healthy foods to supplement whatever nutrients he lost and maybe next time donate again after a few months to help someone in need. :D

I couldn't donate blood myself but at least he can.

I'm so proud of him!

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