I became a Parent Again!

Before you congratulate me on being a mother, I want to honestly say that this post is about my fur babies and I am a fur parent. In my entire life, I never experience having zero pets at home, in fact my mother said that when I was born at home, there were two cats that are looking after me. I started to be aware that they are living with us and I was growing old, I have a share of pets that I became their parent.

We have two puppies at home right now. The mother is our dog. We were shocked to know that she was pregnant knowing that she is living inside the cage. I don't know why and how it happens but the result is two additional cute puppies that will surely ruin my little sleeping time.

Actually, these two puppies are three. One of them didn't make it and she is a girl. This is what they look like when they were born.





I cannot stop giggling whenever I take care of them during the night. These puppies give the "baby schema" effect meaning it releases chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine in the brain. It is the same feeling it gives when we see a cute baby and when we are starting to fall in love.








I cannot stop taking their pictures because they make me happy. When I am tired at work, I will just open my gallery and look at their pictures, it somehow relaxes me.

Before I forgot to share, the name of the puppy in cream color is Milky and the dark one is Toki. Toki loves to sleep. After eating and after being tired after playing, he will sleep immediately, while Milky is always curious about anything. He loves to move all the time and bite me.

The above pictures are what they look like when they started to open their eyes.

I feel like I became a parent again. I became a parent of more than a dozen of puppies of us and now they are big dogs. I took care of them like a real mother. Of course, they have their own mother at home, but I am guiding the mother when it comes to giving nutrition to the puppies. I provide milk, vitamins, and vaccine for the puppies.








They are now in their first month. They are very active now and very curious about anything that is moving. They love biting and playing with your fingers. Their responsibility became something that will make you laugh and feel relaxed. They provide me with happiness and that is what I love about being a fur parent, the happiness that money cannot buy. I know this will be another challenge and struggle but I am willing to take a risk just to love another creature that God created.

All images are mine
All original content by @grecyg

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