My pug Carline experience | Niña y Figo


I don't have many photos of them; they were with me for so little. I honestly fear dogs, and I have the worst dog experiences. There was a time dogs were giving me a lot of anxiety after fighting with a street dog near my house. Around that time the pugs came in. A friend had two pug Carline dogs, Figo the male and Niña the female.

No tengo muchas fotos de ellos; estuvieron conmigo por tan poco. Sinceramente, le temo a los perros y tengo las peores experiencias con ellos. Hubo un tiempo en que los perros me daban mucha ansiedad después de pelear con un perro callejero cerca de mi casa. Alrededor de ese tiempo llegaron los pugs. Un amigo tenía dos perros pug Carlino, Figo el macho y Niña la hembra.


I was nervous about being around them at first. Even though they were small dogs, anxiety would just appear. Since my friend didn't have much support in my city, I ended up helping him with the dogs many times.

Al principio estaba nervioso por estar cerca de ellos. A pesar de que eran perros pequeños, la ansiedad simplemente aparecía. Como mi amigo no tenía mucho apoyo en mi ciudad, terminé ayudándolo con los perros muchas veces.


Niña, the female pug, would look for me all around since day one. She would come immediately where I was, lay next to me belly up, and give me that "pet me" look. So every time I would caress her as she would constantly lay next to me. Before I noticed, my anxiety was lowering and lowering. Even though, I kept feeling it, I exhibited a more calmed attitude when near street dogs. I couldn't believe how sharing with them helped me be more confortable around and about dogs. THey were really special, and I shared with them many memories. These are the only pictures I have of them.

Niña, la pug hembra, me buscaba por todos lados desde el primer día. Ella vendría inmediatamente donde yo estaba, se acostaba a mi lado boca arriba y me daba esa mirada de "rascame". Así que cada vez que la acariciaba, ella se acostaba constantemente a mi lado. Antes de que me diera cuenta, mi ansiedad estaba bajando y bajando. Aunque seguía sintiéndola, exhibía una actitud más tranquila cuando estaba cerca de perros callejeros. No podía creer cómo compartir con ellos me ayudó a sentirme más cómodo con los perros. Fueron realmente especiales y compartí con ellos muchos recuerdos. Estas son las únicas fotos que tengo de ellos.

photos taken by me, modified with snapseed.

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