Ahsoka makes Santas naughty list for 2022 on Christmas Day

Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a great Christmas with their family and fur friends and is ready for the new years.

Yesterday my baby girl Ahsoka continued with her stick obsession but this time took it up a notch and stole some firewood from my neighbors wood pile making Santa's naughty list on Christmas day! I've often watched her go up into their yard, we both have a good bit of land so its all open, and check out the fire wood pile and maybe grab a 'small' stick near it and bring it back but never has she brought and entire unsplit log back.

Well that all changed yesterday morning. She went straight for the log, pulled it off of the pile and started carrying it. It was quite the amusing site to watch her carry and drag a log down out of the woods through the snow, down the hill in our yard and over the rock retaining wall. I knew this dog had a thing for sticks but everyday she seems to surprise me by finding bigger sticks or an unexpected source of them, such as the neighbors fire wood pile.

Now I need to figure out how to explain to my neighbor that I'm not taking the wood its the dog.







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