La pequeña Reina / The little Reina (ENG/ESP):

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He venido a presentarles a la pequeña reina, miembro nuevo de la familia. Como ya les he contado, tengo una finca donde viven mis perrihijos. Hace unos meses tuvimos la desgracia de perder a una perra, Bianca. No estaba enferma y fue una sorpresa para todos. Fue muy triste e inesperado y lo lamentamos un montón. Ella era la compañerita de travesuras de Bruno y este se quedó solito. El perro estaba tan triste como nosotros y la buscó durante días. Se iba al final de los parrales, salía a la calle cuando escuchaba ladrar a un perro y cuando llegábamos la buscaba en la camioneta, con la esperanza de que ella bajara.

I have come to introduce you to the little queen, a new member of the family. As I have already told you, I have a farm where my puppies live. A few months ago we had the misfortune to lose a dog, Bianca. She was not sick and it was a surprise for everyone. It was very sad and unexpected and we regretted it a lot. She was Bruno's mischievous companion and Bruno was left all alone. The dog was as sad as we were and looked for her for days. He would go to the end of the vineyards, he would go outside when he heard a dog barking and when we arrived he would look for her in the truck, hoping she would come down.

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Nos partía el alma ver a nuestro Bruno (Brunosaurio le decimos también por su tamaño) en ese estado de ánimo, por lo que decidimos traer una nueva compañerita para que no se sintiera más solito. Buscamos mucho, pero por algún motivo pasaba algo que no podíamos traer a la perrita. Un día me encuentro con uno de los niños que traía en sus brazos a Reina (nombre que le pusieron ellos mismos). Era de un vecino, su perra, mezcla con galgo, había tenido tres cachorros hacía casi dos meses. ¡Tenía una carita tan dulce y compradora! De inmediato se quedó en casa.

It was heartbreaking to see our Bruno (Brunosaurus we also call him because of his size) in that state of mind, so we decided to bring a new companion so he wouldn't feel lonely anymore. We searched a lot, but for some reason something happened that we could not bring the dog. One day I met one of the children who was carrying Reina (the name they gave her) in his arms. She belonged to a neighbor, her dog, a greyhound mix, had had three puppies almost two months ago. She had such a sweet and buying face! She immediately stayed at home.

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Reina es muy juguetona, su pelaje corto es amarillo y de patas tan largas que se tropieza con ellas todo el tiempo. Le gusta ladrar a toda persona que no conoce (tiene carácter fuerte, no es para nada miedosa, a pesar de ser chiquita) y está aprendiendo a cazar (le enseña el propio Bruno). Con sorpresa y a pesar de que ella es cachorra, Bruno la ha aceptado y la cuida como si fuera propia. Le presta su cucha y ¡hasta deja que se le tire encima y le muerda las orejas! Están siempre juntos y ha dejado de estar tan triste. Esta es su pequeña historia, espero que les haya gustado.

Reina is very playful, her short coat is yellow and her paws are so long that she trips over them all the time. She likes to bark at everyone she doesn't know (she has a strong character, she is not at all fearful, even though she is small) and she is learning to hunt (Bruno himself teaches her). Surprisingly and despite the fact that she is a puppy, Bruno has accepted her and takes care of her as if she were his own. He lends her his den and even lets her jump on him and bite his ears! They are always together and he is no longer so sad. This is his little history, I hope you liked it.

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Créditos: el banner es mi diseño y lo creé con Canva. Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi dispositivo móvil Samsung Galaxy A21s. Utilicé el traductor:

Credits: the banner is my design and I created it with Canva. The photos were taken by my Samsung Galaxy A21s mobile device. I used the translator:

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-13 at 19.09.25.jpeg

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