A Heartbreaking Farewell: Goodbye My Gingerbread

Four months ago, a friend offered to give me one of his kittens. I hesitated at first because as a new fur momma, I wasn't sure whether I was prepared to embark on this new chapter of responsibility - to add a new member into my little fur family. I thought Toffee, my Persian cat is enough. However, after careful thoughts, I decided to welcome a new fur baby.

Thus, Gingerbread, a ginger kitten came into my life bringing with him a whirlwind of excitement.

The first two weeks were very challenging both for me and Toffee, and of course Gingerbread. As Ginger wouldn't want to eat and come outside when me and Toffee are around.

This is him hiding below the cabinet and hissing at me when I tried to give him some cat food.

When he finally adjusted to his new home, he was the sweetest kitten I have ever met which quickly melted my heart! He loves cuddling a lot too!

Cuddling with meowmy

"I'm good as long as I'm beside my meowmy!"

He would usually try to get my attention whenever I was idly scrolling through my phone. And when I would pretend to ignore him, he adorably 'makes biscuits' on me as if giving me a massage.

"Meowmy's tired, I should give her a massage!"

He also loves teasing Toffee and made it a habit to annoy him even if he gets a little beating from Toffee. As if he knows Toffee will groom him after their cute little banter.

Acting cute in front of Toffee and meowmy

As time went by, Toffee and Gingerbread became my steadfast companions, who provided unwavering support and companionship during some of the vulnerable and challenging moments of my life. On days when I felt like I can't go on anymore, the presence of my two fur babies gave me courage. Imagining how they would greet me with their playful antics when I get home from work helped me to get going.

Toffee grooming Ginger and being the sweet big brother is one of the sweetest thing I have ever seen. My heart melts everytime I see them doing this.

Although all they could do is to say 'meow' all the time, those sounds comforted me, specially Gingerbread's since he is the one who usually make meow noises and loud purrs. Hearing him say meow while looking at me with his pair of adorable eyes and gently rubbing his head on me made me feel his unconditional love.
I couldn't believe that I could love another creature as much as I love my kittens. I couldn't count how many times I prayed and thanked God for creating such loveable creatures. Gingerbread made me realize that a small, furry creature can also have a big impact on someone's life.

But all of a sudden, one night I woke up to a sight that shattered my heart into pieces. I was about to prepare myself to work but decided to cuddle Gingerbread first and give him a few kisses, and there I discovered that my precious little Gingerbread was weakened. He was frail and was just there staring at me with teary eyes. That's when I realized something terrible would happen to him.

With trembling hands, I gently put him down. Panic coursed through my veins but I know I have to think fast and do everything to save his life. With tears running down my cheeks, I grabbed my wallet and ran to the nearest pet store to buy a dextrose powder. I was desperately holding on to a little glimmer of hope that I could still save the life of my baby.
Gingerbread on the day he passed away.

Sight blurred with tears, but I managed to force the dextrose liquid into his mouth. Crossing my fingers it would help, but while doing this Gingerbread finally bid goodbye - he suddenly stopped breathing. I felt as if he just waited for me to wake up to witness his death. I cried my heart out while embracing his still warm body.
His lifeless body.

In the midst of Gingerbread's passing, I found myself in mixed emotions. I was brokenhearted but guilt is bugged me at the same time. My mind was filled with 'what ifs?'. What if I had noticed his distress sooner? What if I woke up earlier? What if I paid more attention to him? These questions tormented my mind whenever I'm thinking of my beloved furbaby.
As I write these words, eyes filled with tears of sorrow, I find solace knowing that Gingerbread's brief but beautiful existence will forever be cherished and engraved in my heart. Amidst this sorrowful days, I'm grateful that Gingerbread came into my life.![]

Core memories of my beloved Gingerbread.

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