An angel made puppy, meet Bloom [ENG/ESP]

Hello dear Hive friends,馃榿 today I want to formally introduce you to the being that has come to give more love to my life, in different and unique ways. In this post I will tell you the story of my daughter Bloom, from her birth to how funny and fun these almost three months have been with her. 馃槏




The promise

1 year ago my previous dog, daughter and eternal love died of parvovirus, it was very difficult for me because she died in my hands and it was the first time I was facing a situation of that kind, so strong, sad and heartbreaking, in that same time almost 8 dogs of neighbors died so it is most likely that she had been infected by the common yard.

My neighbor across the street adopted a beautiful dog named Kira, she is a white poodle and very polite, as time went by she told me every time she saw me that she would give me a puppy, to not see me sad and I always replied that I did not want to have more pets, I think it is a common feeling when you lose one.

After a year, she came to my house and told me, Kira is pregnant! And a puppy is for you because I know how much you love animals.

From that moment my face changed, my skin tingled, I felt anxious and happy, I felt anxious and unbridled desire for her to be born, and on September 24, 2022 that day finally arrived, my daughter was born, whom I named Bloom Merlina.

The first month

The day of the birth was magical, my neighbor calls me shouting Jose Jose Kira they are having the babies, come quick, your daughter is being born!"

I told him I wanted to have a female puppy, and don't you know the surprise?
She only had 3 puppies and out of the 3, mine was the only female 馃槀.



coming from the situation I had been through with my sick puppy, the first thing I wanted to do was to have a vet give all the guidelines on how things should be done for her health, so she lasted 1 month and a half with her mom Kira, start with the whole cycle of vaccinations, deworming and daily visits so she was getting to know me without taking her away from her mom yet.

At that time my partner and I bought her almost everything, toys, clothes and her respective red collar haha.

I made her a little bed with my own hands and all my love, sometimes I'm good at crafts, I made it with a strong anime base, fabric, and my mom's jewelry, I sewed it myself by hand.


her second month

When I brought her home the truth is she adapted very fast, I thought it was going to be very stressful for her, but it was really very calm, I prepared her food 4 times a day, gave her her vitamins and when she didn't sleep she started playing and chewing everything.

Mind you, the first week I didn't sleep at all 馃槀, she would sleep all day and in the early morning she would start asking me to play with her, then I would stand up and play mostly with her favorite stuffed animal, which was also mine when she was a newborn, a clown of which there is not much left hahahah.


Little by little he got used to sleeping at night and playing during the day, until his baby teeth were ready to handle anything that came his way 馃槀.

Her third month

I already see her much bigger, stronger, she is well fed and looks more beautiful every day, I don't know how to do to have so much energy and play all day long, I had to hide all the shoes, cloths or anything she could bite, but seeing her playing makes me very happy.


This month several important things happened with her

  • was her first bath : she behaved very well, I thought it would be traumatic but without a doubt bloom's personality is warrior, she let herself be bathed and dried and at the end she was happy and playing as always, her color makes me fall in love with her more and more, but it was necessary to bathe her.

If it had been up to me I would have bathed her months before 馃槀 but the vet told me she was waiting to have at least the first cycle of vaccines ready.

  • She learned to do her needs outside the room: I think it's instinct, she already takes the room as her resting home, so she cries for me to take her outside to do her needs, I still don't want to expose her to the street or the garden because she is very puppyish, but I'm sure she will love it.

from puppy to adult

I see her more and more developed, she already understands by name, she knows what she should not do and what she should do, she knows where she should get in and where it is dangerous, I have been told that a dog reaches maturity when she is a year old, so if at 3 months she behaves like this, I am sure she will be a very intelligent girl.

that yes, i think she will be an athlete because she jumps very high, without fear of falling, i am still impressed how she does it 馃槉.

by the way, Bloom sends you all and all a good puppy kiss 鈾ワ笍馃惗馃惗馃惗馃惗馃惗

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Photos: taken by my phone: infinix note 11 pro.
Translation: DeepL translator
Banner: made in Canva

Banner tot otot.png

En Espa帽ol

Hola queridos amigos y amigas de Hive,馃榿 hoy quiero formalmente presentarles al ser que ha llegado a darle m谩s amor a mi vida, de formas distintas y 煤nicas. En este post les contar茅 la historia de mi hija Bloom, desde su nacimiento hasta lo gracioso y divertidos que han sido estos casi tres meses con ella. 馃槏




La promesa

Hace 1 a帽o mi anterior perrita, hija y amor eterno muri贸 de parvovirus, fue muy Dificil para mi porque muri贸 en mis manos y era la primera vez que me enfrentaba a una situaci贸n de ese tipo, tan fuerte, triste y desgarradora, en ese mismo tiempo murieron casi 8 perritos de vecinos as铆 que lo m谩s seguro es que ella hubiese sido contagiada por el patio com煤n.

Mi vecina de al frente adopt贸 a una perrita hermosa llamar谩 Kira, es una poodle blanca y muy educada, al pasar el tiempo ella cada vez que me ve铆a me dec铆a que me regalar铆a una cachorro, para no verme m谩s triste y yo siempre le respondia que ya no quer铆a tener m谩s mascotas, creo que es un sentimiento com煤n cuando se pierde una.

Al pasar el a帽o, lleg贸 a mi casa y me dijo, 隆Kira esta embarazada! Y un cachorro es para ti porque se cu谩nto amas a los animales.

Desde ese momento cambio mi cara, sent铆 un cosquilleo en la piel, sent铆 ansiedad y felicidad, sent铆 谩nimos y ganas desenfrenadas de que ya naciera, y el 24 de septiembre del 2022 al fin lleg贸 ese d铆a, Naci贸 mi hija, a quien llame Bloom Merlina.

El primer mes

El d铆a del nacimiento fue m谩gico, mi vecina me llama gritando 隆Jos茅 Jos茅 Kira est谩n teniendo a los beb茅s, ven r谩pido, tu hija est谩 naciendo"
Yo le dije que deseaba tener una cachorra hembra, y a que no saben la sorpresa?
Solo tuvo 3 cachorros y de los 3, la m铆a era la 煤nica hembra 馃槀



Viniendo de la situaci贸n que hab铆a pasado con mi perrita enferma, lo primero que quise hacer fue que un veterinario diera todas las directrices de c贸mo se deb铆an hacer las cosas para su salud, as铆 que dur贸 1 mes y medio con su mam谩 Kira, empezar con todo el ciclo de vacunas, desparasitante y visitas diarias para que me fuese conociendo sin despegarla de su mam谩 a煤n.

En ese momento mi pareja y yo le compramos casi de todo, juguetes, ropita y su respectivo collar rojo jaja.

Yo le hice una camita con mis propias manos y todo mi amor, a veces se me dan bien las manualidades, la realice con una base de anime fuerte, tela, y bisuter铆a de mi mama, la cos铆 yo mismo a mano.


Su segundo mes

Al traermela a la casa la verdad se adapt贸 muy r谩pido, pens茅 que iba a ser muy estresante para ella, pero realmente fue muy tranquilo, le preparaba su comida 4 veces al d铆a, le daba sus vitaminas y cuando no dorm铆a se pon铆a a jugar y a morderlo todo.

Eso s铆, la primera semana no dorm铆 nada 馃槀, ella dorm铆a todo el d铆a y en la madrugada empezaba a pedir que jugar谩 con ella, entonces me paraba y jugaba sobre todo con su peluche favorito, que tambi茅n fue el m铆o cuando estaba reci茅n nacido, un payaso del cual ya no queda mucho jajaj.


Poco a poco se fue acostumbrado a dormir de noche y jugar de d铆a, hasta que sus dientes de leche ya estaban listos para poder todo aquello que le se pasar谩 por al frente 馃槀.

Su tercer mes

Ya la veo mucho m谩s grande, m谩s fuerte, est谩 bien alimentada y se ve cada d铆a m谩s hermosa, no s茅 c贸mo hacer para tener tanta energ铆a y jugar durante todo el d铆a, tuve que esconder todos los zapatos, telas o cualquier cosa que puediera morder, pero verla jugar me hace muy feliz.


Este mes sucedieron varias cosas importantes con ella

  • fue su primer ba帽o : se port贸 muy bien, cre铆 que ser铆a traum谩tico pero sin duda la personalidad de bloom es guerrera, se dej贸 ba帽ar y secar y al final estaba feliz y jugando como siempre, su color cada vez me enamora m谩s, pero era necesario ba帽arla.

Si hubiese sido por mi la ba帽aba meses antes 馃槀 pero la veterinaria me dijo que esperaba tener al menos el primer ciclo de vacunas listo.

  • aprendi贸 a hacer sus necesidades fuera del cuarto: yo creo que es instinto, ya ella toma el cuarto como su hogar de descanso, entonces llora para que la saque a hacer sus necesidades afuera, a煤n no quiero exponerla a la calle o el jard铆n porque est谩 muy cachorra, pero estoy seguro que le va a encantar.

De cachorro a adulto

Cada vez la veo m谩s desarrollada, ya entiende por su nombre, sabe lo que no debe hacer y lo que si, sabe d贸nde debe meterse y donde es peligroso, me han dicho que un perro llega a su madurez cuando cumple el a帽o de vida, as铆 que si con 3 meses se comporta as铆, estoy seguro que ser谩 una ni帽a muy inteligente.

Eso s铆, creo que ser谩 atleta porque salta muy alto, sin temor a caerse, a煤n me impresiona como lo hace 馃槉

Por cierto, Bloom les manda a todas y todos un beso de cachorro bueno 鈾ワ笍馃惗馃惗馃惗馃惗馃惗

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Fotos: Tomadas por mi tel茅fono: infinix note 11 pro.
Traducci贸n: DeepL traductor
Banner: Realizado en Canva

Banner tot otot.png

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