Cats are snakes sometimes

Remember these two little ones?


Well... Not doing that again...

I trapped my black haired cat Pantera where she couldn't leave the task of feeding her children. I stayed watching her feed the kittens for 10 minutes straight and then I leave her there for 3 minutes while I use the bathroom and guess what she did.


Ate them.

Nature can be cruel but it's not our place to place judgement on what nature does.

What kills me is that she waits till I leave to do something like that.

She knew I didn't approve and ran away sensing the anger I had. I would not hurt them though on purpose. Although they have seen me kill a few cats for being really aggressive towards me for no reason. They just kept coming back to bite me even after getting them off me a couple times. So, they got a ticket to heaven. Sue me.

Well let's look at the bright side. I am sober from "Cat-holic-ism" and it's one less mouth to feed. I wouldn't mind it if I did had to but it is what it is.

Sophia is on her 6th pregnancy. Just gave her some Tuna packets.

She's a real caregiver I'll tell you what. Even brings me mouse snacks sometimes...
Thanks but no thanks Sophia.

Ha! got her with the tongue out. Unfortunately it came out blurry lol.


I know some of you may not approve of my killing animals, and idc. I only do it if I am forced to. Or when I'm going to make food to eat. Whether it be cows, snakes, rabbit, sheep, squirrels etc. I've done the deed. Guaranteed.

At least I know where my meat is coming from.

The majority of meat most people get here in this town comes from my many families ranches nearby. I don't own any, my father does on the outskirts of town somewhere. Haven't visited that ranch in a long while. His own cousins take care of them, while he's loving it up in the northern slave plantations called united snakes.

Digressing, sorry.

I love animals. I enjoy them just as much as the next guy. If I had the sufficient capital I would support the vets and the adoption centers with food, medicine, hygiene products for pets, etc. whatever they need.

Though I also understand that sometimes you just have to let strays be strays, it's why don't take in as much as I would like to. I see more dogs on the streets than I see cats, that's because their own the ledges of buildings, on the roof tops, jumping from house to house by walking the ledges of fences to get to the next meal.

Many people here love my cats, they feed them what they had for leftovers, but I do caution though, that it's not too uncommon to find people putting nails, glass, poison in their food to to get rid of some out of spite. I swear if I ever caught someone doing that...

Well I'm off to go find some breakfast. This cat got to eat too. Probably get a couple of burritos de chili relleno y asado en rojo, possibly bump into the dogs I helped raise to be street ready, go for a walk with them etc.

Peace and love!

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