Hi I'm Tumi | The Adventures of Tumi 馃樅 ENG | ESP

"Mortals I'm Tumi, but the smallest human in the family calls me Mini, I'm a naughty black cat, I live with a couple of humans who love and spoil me, we are a happy mana and from today we will tell you about my adventures."

Hey... Animal lovers this is our first post is this community today I introduce you to my black kitty he is full of adventures to tell he is a cat with a lot of personality his name is Tumi and today we will tell you about his name and how he came into our lives.

Tumi means "knife" in the native American language of Peru "Quechua", the Tumis were used as ceremonial knives, they existed from the 1st to the 8th century, beautiful pieces made of bronze inlaid with precious stones that even today are amazing for their beauty and perfection, they are real works of art, these knives were used for healing and sacrifices, sacred instruments that were credited with magic and power, one of the most famous pieces of pre-Columbian art.

But why did my humans call me Tumi?

One day a neighbor who is not an animal lover at all, knocked on the door of my mother's house looking for my sister @actioncats, asking if she could take a cat for adoption, she immediately said yes. And the next day the neighbor's girlfriend arrived with this beautiful black playful cat who immediately took confidence and began to roll around with Achilles one of the most named cats in the @actioncats herd. When he arrived he looked like a bat, he was very thin, black with big ears and bulging eyes, he was full of parasites, this was accompanied by a lot of hunger and stomach problems.

This neighbor practices Santeria, this religion and usually makes animal sacrifices and we suspect that he was going to be sacrificed. Among the animals sacrificed but because of his grace and attitude plus his white spots did not make it, in Santeria they look for totally black or totally white cats for sacrifice.

"But I have 3 beautiful white spots, one on his neck, one on my chest and the last one on my belly,so I thwarted his religious act and this saved me."

Santeros sacrifice innocent animals in their cults and say animal sacrifice is essential, because in their religion blood represents energy and life.they take away life to represent life?...It is something confusing ...isn't it!!!? For me it is nonsense. I try to be respectful of people's beliefs but I do not tolerate animal abuse. Taking life does not bring life, taking life is killing.

"My human father loves Native American culture at first they gave me several names as a game but I stole their hearts and when they decided to adopt me they named me Tumi and he has a Tumi tattoo."


He is a black cat very playful and full of personality that steals people's hearts, most cats, are usually reserved and cautious, Tumi is not, he is a sociable cat any human or animal he sees, approaches him to say hello, he likes to be noticed, he makes some very particular sounds, when I ride in a car I go as a pilot on the dashboard, I try to imitate the singing of birds and I love to ride on people's necks, I am a little older so it is not so easy anymore.

"I'm full of adventures to tell"

Until next time cat lovers 馃樅 Until next time cat lovers


Hola soy Tumi |Las aventuras de Tumi 馃樅

"Mortales soy Tumi, pero la humana m谩s peque帽a de la familia me llama Mini, soy un gato negro travieso, vivo con un par de humanos que me aman y consienten, somos una mana feliz y desde hoy les contaremos de mis aventuras"

Hey... Amantes de los animales esta es nuestra primer publicaci贸n es esta comunidad hoy les presento a mi gatito negro 茅l est谩 lleno de aventuras para contar es un gato con mucha personalidad su nombre es Tumi y hoy le contaremos de su nombre y c贸mo lleg贸 a nuestras vidas.

Tumi significa "cuchillo" en la lengua originarias americana de per煤 "quechua", los Tumis eran usados como cuchillo ceremonial, existieron desde el Siglo I al VIII, hermosas piezas hechas de bronce con incrustaciones de piedras preciosas que a煤n hoy asombran por su belleza y perfecci贸n son reales obras de arte.Estos cuchillos eran usados para sanaci贸n y sacrificios, instrumentos sagrados a los que les acreditaban magia y poder, una de las piezas m谩s famosas del arte precolombina.

Pero porque mis humanos me llamaron Tumi?

Un dia un vecino que no es para nada amante de los animales , toco la puerta de la casa de mi madre buscando a mi hermana @actioncats, preguntando si pod铆a llevar un gato en adopci贸n , ella de inmediato le dijo si. Y al dia siguiente llego la novia del vecino con este hermoso gato negro juguet贸n que de inmediato tom贸 confianza y empez贸 a revolcarse con Aquiles uno de los gatos m谩s nombres de la manada de @actioncats . Al llegar el parec铆a un murci茅lago,estaba muy delgado,negro de grandes orejas y ojos saltones, estaba lleno de par谩sitos, esto ven铆a acompa帽ado de mucha hambre y problemas estomacales.

Este vecino practica la Santer铆a, esta religi贸n y suele hacer sacrificios de animales y sospechamos que el iba a ser sacrificado. Entre los animales sacrificados pero que por su gracia y actitud m谩s sus manchas blancas no lo hicieron, en la Santer铆a buscan los gatos totalmente negros o totalmente blancos para el sacrificio.

"Pero yo tengo 3 hermosas manchas blancas, una en su cuello, otra en el pecho y la 煤ltima en mi barriga,as铆 que frustre su acto religioso y esto me salv贸"

Los santeros sacrifican animales inocentes en sus cultos y dicen el sacrificio de animales es esencial, pues en su religi贸n la sangre representa energ铆a y vida.Quitan vida para representar vida? ...Es algo confuso ...verdad!? Para mi es algo sin sentido. Trato de ser respetuosas con las creencias de las personas pero no tolero el maltrato animal. Quitar vida no trae vida, quitar vida es matar.

"Mis padre humano ama la cultura americana originaria al inicio me pusieron varios nombres como juego pero yo les robe el coraz贸n y al decidir que me adoptaran me pusieron Tumi y el tiene tatuado un Tumi."


El es un gato negro muy juguet贸n y lleno de personalidad que le roba el coraz贸n a la gente, la mayor铆a de los gatos, suelen ser reservados y prudentes , Tumi no , el es un gato sociable cualquier humano o animal que ve, se le acerca para saludarlo, le gusta ser notado, hace unos sonidos muy particulares, cuando paseo en carro voy de piloto en el tablero, trato de imitar el cantar de las aves y me encanta montarme sobre el cuello de las personas, ya estoy un poco mas grande asi que ya no es tan f谩cil.

"Estoy lleno de aventuras para contar."

Until next time cat lovers 馃樅 Hasta la pr贸xima cat lovers


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