Hi, I'm Doki, today my family found me 🐶❤️

Yesterday, with the traditional celebration of mothers day, my owners went out and left me home with my partner. I did manage and decided to escape, I guess I wanted to explore the world and get to know more the outside. 😁👉🏼👈🏼

El día de ayer, con la celebración tradicional del día de las madres, mis dueños salieron y me dejaron en casa con mi pareja. Me las ingenié y me decidí escapar, supongo que quería explorar el mundo y conocer más el exterior. 😁👉🏼👈🏼


I am 13 years old and I am a little blind, when I left home it was a bit difficult for me to walk because of my age, I am a little slow to walk. Walking down the streets of the East of Barquisimeto, some people going in their car almost hit me.

Thanks to those people who went in their car, they are very kind, and they slowed down to time 😕. So that nothing happened to me, they left me tied up at a door of a house, to see if my humans appeared.

They were walking close to where they left me @culebro and @vernica7, and two people who passed near me, asked them if they knew me, those two people left me water and food, so I could bear the time my owners got me back. Aliskair and Verónica decided to give me a lodge until my owners got me

Tengo 13 años y estoy un poquito ciego, cuando salí de casa me costaba un poco caminar ya que por mi edad soy un poco lento para caminar. Caminando por las calles del Este de Barquisimeto, unas personas que iban en su coche casi me atropellan.

Gracias a esas personas que iban en su coche, son muy amables, y frenaron a tiempo 😕. Para que no me pasara nada me dejaron amarrado en una puerta de una casa, a ver si aparecían mis humanos.

Iban caminando cerca de donde me dejaron @culebro y @vernica7, y dos personas que pasaron cerca de mí, les preguntaron si me conocían, esas dos personas me dejaron agüita y comidita, para poder soportar el tiempo en el que me consiguieran mis dueños. Aliskair y Verónica decidieron darme alojo hasta que mis dueños me consiguieran.


The boys bathed me, accommodated my hair a little, made me pretty and bought me food, because they didn't know how long I was going to be with them 😅.

They treated me very well, I'm a little grumpy and distrustful, I didn't like then being very close to me, I scared them by making them think I was going to bite them.

This morning, Veronica, got up early to go to work, I was awake waiting for someone to open the door, I needed to make my needs.

Everything was very funny, because they didn't know my name and they told me several funny names, such as: Arturo, Bruno (We don't talk about Bruno), Voldemort, Bruvoldemort, Chiquito (because of my height), Chiquitín, etc...

Los chicos me bañaron, acomodaron un poco mi cabello, me pusieron bonito y me compraron comida, porque no sabían cuánto tiempo iba a estar con ellos 😅.

Me trataron muy bien, soy un poco gruñón y desconfiado, no me gustaba que se me acercarán mucho, los asustaba haciéndolos pensar que los iba a morder.

Esta mañana, Verónica, se levantó temprano para ir a trabajar, estaba despierto esperando que alguien abriera la puerta, necesitaba hacer mis necesidades.

Todo era muy chistoso, porque no sabían mi nombre y me dijeron varios nombres graciosos, como: Arturo, Bruno (No se habla de Bruno), Voldemort, Bruvoldemort, Chiquito (por mi estatura), Chiquitín, etc...

"My puppy is misplaced, his name is DOKI. Any information at 041#####6#"

This afternoon the boys took me to buy some food, we walked a little, when we were going back to the boys house, Veronica, he noticed the poster that comes out above. I was definitely the one in the picture and they immediately called the poster number. My owner had a teary voice, and when he got the news that they had me, she cried more.

When she saw me, she cried even more, and I really apologize to everyone who had a lot of concern about what happened. I am already happy with my owners and I thank you all for your help.

Esta tarde los chicos me llevaron a comprar algo de comida, caminamos un poco, cuando íbamos de vuelta a la casa de los chicos, Verónica, se fijó en el póster que sale arriba. Definitivamente era yo el de la imagen y de inmediato llamaron al número del póster. Mi dueña tenía la voz llorosa, y cuando recibió la noticia de que ellos me tenían, lloró más.

Cuando me vió, ella lloró aún más, y de verdad le pido disculpa a todos los que tuvieron mucha preocupación por lo sucedio. Ya estoy feliz con mis dueños y les agradezco a todos por su ayuda...


Hello, I wanted to say that it was really a great pleasure and honor to have helped DOKI.

It is my pleasure to inform you that I am already in the process of entering the university, I will study veterinary medicine, I am very happy. And well, I share this post with you today as it was exciting for me to help this puppy.

Es de mi agrado informarles que ya estoy en trámite para entrar a la universidad, estudiaré medicina veterinaria, estoy muy alegre. Y bueno, les comparto esta publicación hoy, ya que me fue emocionante ayudar a este perrito.

I say goodbye.


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