Some Dog Breeds You Need To Know About (I)!!

Hey yo dog lovers!!

it's been a while!
Well today I've got a treat for ya!

here're some dog breeds that may interest you to know more about.



  • This dog breed originated from Japan
  • Dates back to the 17th Century
  • Originally bred for hunting and guarding royal families
  • Males can grow to 24 - 28 inches(70 - 130 pounds) while females reach 22-26 inches(50 - 100 pounds
  • Has natural guard instincts, but can be playful
  • They're intelligent, but can be stubborn and independent
  • They're loyal and protective of Family
  • Life expectancy of 10 - 12 years


  • Contrary to it's name, this dog breed was developed in The US. Not Australia.
  • It is bred to herd sheep and other livestock on a ranch Farm
  • Originated in the 19th century.
    *Males grow to 18 - 23 inches(50 - 65 pounds). While females reach 17 - 22 inches( 40 - 45 pounds)
  • Has piercing eyes of brown, blue or amber in color
  • Highly intelligent and responsive to command
  • Energetic, agile and Playful
  • Loyal and protective of family
  • They often work as search - and - rescue dogs, service dogs or rescue dogs
  • life expectancy of 12 - 15 years


  • Originated in France And Belgium
  • It is bred for hunting small animals like rabbit
  • Usually has a smallish stature. Males grow to 10-15 inches( 50 - 65 pounds) while females also grow within the range of 10- 15 inches. but weigh lesser(45 - 60 pounds)
  • The basset hound is usually calm, friendly and affectionate
  • Excellent with children
  • Life expectancy of 10 -12 years.

That's it for today Fam!

However, stay tuned for more coming your way!

also, feel free to suggest some dog breeds you may like to know more about!


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