
Hello Hive Pets! I'm back with "furry" content for you all!

A week ago, I took the initiative to take Sai from her furmom and spent some time with her. I took her from Talamban and brought her to Talisay. But before that, we went to her favorite place to walk, run, and chill, IT Park!


This is her typical response whenever I kiss her.

From Talamban, we took a motorcycle and went to IT Park. This is our usual place to walk around whenever we spend time together but I just recently discovered D'Family Park which is very close to where they live and I will share it soon our time there together.
My kind of view!
When we arrived at IT Park, we walk and walk until we reached an open ground and decided to sit on the ground to rest for a bit. We did a few rounds of running until we both get tired and rested again. We always go to Red Lizard (a restaurant that I used to work for) to get some iced water. Sai preferred iced water because she's picky like that. hahahhaha


Sai, waiting for her iced water.

After our rest, I decided to go home to Talisay with Sai. It took some time for us to get a cab because some cabs didn't want to transport dogs. Several cabs that I hailed, declined because Sai was with me good thing one cab did. I can tell that he is a pet lover because he has this dog figure that the head nods attached to his car.


While waiting for a kind driver who will let us give a ride!


This is her during our entire trip from Cebu City to Talisay!

During our travel, I'm a bit excited for her and Chiyo to meet up again and also bring Sai to my shop. When we got home. I wasn't sure if Chiyo is happy when she saw that I brought Sai into our house but he was obviously curious by non-stop sniffing Sai.


She's behaved like that. Whenever I asked her to stay and wait she will.

I fed them dinner but I felt it was too early to sleep so I decided to go to Bliss cafe with Sai and we had fries. We were there for a few hours and went home. I let Sai sleep in my room because she's more comfortable there and I don't want her and Chiyo together because they might bicker.


I think she was full already with her food, she didn't eat that much fries than usual.

The next day, I woke up early and played with Sai and with Chiyo. I fed them together. I also showered Sai and got ready for work. We went out early so I can squeeze some Hive before we opened our shop. We went back to Bliss and Sai sat on my lap or slept on the floor while waiting for me. It was also a coincidence that @lifewithera and @unclebkaal also visited the shop so they were able to see Sai too.


I didn't finished that much things during that day but it didn't matter because I was able to spend time with her.

Sai with my friends, Era, Karl and Princess..


Sai and her Tita Era!

A lot of people said that Sai is very well-behaved and really follows commands. She stays when I asked her to stay. She also met some kids that find her really cute and beautiful. By nighttime, I brought her back to Talamban with her mom.


Look at those pretty eyes!


Sai waiting for me before we leave the shop.

It was a great time with Sai though it was a long trip, she was very patient and behaved. I'm excited about our next trip or adventure together.


Until next time my little Princess Sai!


Asa Si Klause blogs about his travels, vegan lifestyle, yoga practice, his fur babies and anything that gives joy to him.

If you love to see more of his content, hit that Follow button, and you might find new places, make more recipes, and practice yoga with him. For blog collaborations or inquiries, feel free to contact him on his social media channels or email him at


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